Intro to instruments Lecture Flashcards
What are the 4 types of hand hygiene?
- Handwashing: soap and water
- Anti-Septic: soap and water and other detergents
- Alcohol based hand rub
- Surgical hand hygiene
What are the 5 steps of hand washing
- Wet
- Lather
- Scrub
- Rinse
- Dry
Describe how to inspect the eye with the ophthalmoscope
Identify the lens selector and select the o
Turn on the light
Ask the patient to “pick a spot” to look at over your shoulder
Look through the aperture
Place hand on forehead
(remember use the right hand to look in the patients right eye and vice versa)
Start 15 degrees from the center laterally and move toward the patient
Identify the red reflex
Describe when to use the different sizes of lights in eye examinations
Large light is used with dilated eyes
Small light is best used if the pupils are super constricted
Most of the eye examinations are done with e MEDIUM light
Describe when you would use half light in eye examinations
If the pupil is partially obstructed by a lens with cataracts; the half circle will go through to the eye in the area that is not covered up so that the light does not reflect off
Describe when you would use red free light in eye examinations
To see the vessels in the eye
Describe when you would use a slit beam light in eye examinations
To examine abnormalities of the cornea, lens, and retina
Describe when you would use a blue light in eye examinations
When fluorescence is used
Differentiate between air and bone conduction in a tuning fork test
Air conduction lasts longer than bony conduction and is held in front of the ear
In bony conduction, the handle is held on the boney area that is behind the ear
Describe blood pressure cuff selection in terms of
- length of the cuffs bladder
- width of the cuffs bladder
- Length of the bladder should be at least equal to 80% of the circumference of the upper arm
- Width of the bladder should be at least equal to 40% of the length of the upper arm
What is the first knocking sound called when taking the blood pressure?
Describe the “pre-requisites” for taking a blood pressure, what factors could cause error in your readings?
Patient should not smoke, exercise, or drink caffeine less 30 minutes prior to reading
Exam room should be quiet and warm
Patient should sit quietly for 5 minutes
Arm should be free of clothing
What are reasons for obtaining a falsely high BP?
Brachial artery is below the heart
Cuff is too small (narrow)
Cuff is too large (wide)
What are reasons for obtaining a falsely low BP?
Brachial artery is above the heart
Cuff is too large on a small arm
What is the ausculatory gap
period of diminished or absent Korotkoff sounds
What are 5 ways in which the temperature can be taken?
Orally Rectally Axillary Ear Skin
What are the foundations of osteopathic medicine
- The body was a unit
- The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms
- structure and function are reciprocally interrelated
Rational therapy is based upon an understanding of the body unity and the relationship of structure and function