Intro to Hematology Flashcards
What’s on a CBC with diff?
WBC > Hgb/Hct < Plt
What are all blood cells derived from?
- Hematopoietic stem cell can become 1 of 10 blood lineages.
- Stem cells maintained at constant rate in bondy
Hematopoietic Family Tree
Pluripotent Stem Cell –> Lymphoid stem cell –> B-lymphocyte, T lymphocyte, Plasma Cell
Pluripotent Stem Cell –> Myeloid stem cell –> All the rest of the cells
2 characteristics of stem cells
1) Plasticity/pleuripotential: can generate all types of blood cells
2) Self Renewal: maintained at constant rate
2 types of Progenitor Cells
1) Early Progenitor (more like a stem cell)
2) Late Progenitor (restricted to one cell lineage).
Regulation of Hematopoiesis
Balance b/t programmed cell death (apoptosis) and Bone Marrow Production –> Results in imbalance (anemia vs polycythemia)
Colony stimulating factors
-Made by pharmaceuticals
-Able to grow many types of specific cells lines
(M-CSF = macrophage colony stimulating factor)
- Erythropoiesis stimulating hormone
- Produced in kidneys
- Pts with renal failure are anemic
- Makes bone marrow cells
- pts with cirrhosis have low platelets
Sites of hematopoiesis (3)
1) Yolk sac (pre-fetus)
2) Liver and spleen (fetus)
3) Bone Marrow (after birth)
Bone Marrow characteristics
- TONS of erythrocytes and leukocytes
- After 18y/o, bone marrow becomes “inactive”
- Only 1/2 of bone marrow in adults is “active”
Hemoglobin is made of______and______.
Heme and Globin
Heme is a ring structure centered on a ______atom. It is made in the _______.
Fe atom, Mitochondria
Globin is synthesized in the ________.
One RBC can carry > 1 billion______moleclues
Common types of hemoglobin –> Differ by chains
A/A2 (adult) –>98% is Hgb A
F (fetal)
S (sickle cell)
Fetal Hgb Chains
2 alpha, 2 gammas –> fetal Hgb has greater affinity for oxygen so it can extract O2 from placental blood flow
Oxygen-Hgb Dissociation Curve
- Right shift = easy O2 delivery; acidosis, high 2,3-DPG, Hgb S
- Left shift = give up O2 less readily; low 2,3-DPG, alkolosis
2,3 - DPG/BPG
Facilitates unloading of oxygen
Erythrocyte is the most ______cell in body. It is _____but transports_______via Hgb. It’s shape is ______discs. It is extremely _______.
Abundant; anaerobic; oxygen; biconcave; pliable.
Immature RBC
Stains blue
RBC production depends on 3 supplies for production:
Fe, Folate, B-12
Erythropoietin made by kidneys in response to ______.