Intro To Haematology Lecture Block Myeloma 18.01.24 Flashcards
What is the name of the cancer of differentiated B-lymphocytes?
Multiple myeloma
Features of multiple myeloma
- Accumulation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow leading to progressive bone marrow failure
- Production of a characteristic paraprotein
- Kidney failure
- Destructive bone disease and hypercalcaemia
What is CRAB the mnemonic for myeloma
C - ad Ca>0.25mmol/l above upper limit of normal or >2.75mmol/l
R – renal impairment, creatinine>173mmol/l (40% pts at Δ have some degree of RF; 10% req dialysis Dimopolous et al, 2008, Leukaemia, 22, 1485-1493 Pathogenesis and treatment of renal failiure in multiple myeloma)
A – anaemia
B – lytic lesions, osteoporosis c compression #, spinal cord compression
nb also hyperviscosity; recurrent infection ie >2 episodes in 12/12 , amyloid; raised ESR and globulin frequent signals
What is the go to test for myeloma?
Serum electrophoresis (SEP) - separation by molecular electric charge, if a discrete additional band seen or bands fuzzy or suppressed, proceed to immunofixation
Summary of myeloma tests?
- Electrophoresis - if discrete band, fuzzy or suppressed —> proceed to next
- Immunofixation - repeat electrophoresis plus identifies mono clones via the addition of specific antibodies
- Densitometry scan
What is the precursor to myeloma?
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
Smouldering myeloma
Symptomatic myeloma