Intro to ChemE Final Flashcards
Bisection Method Flow Diagram
- keep upper half of range
**low = mid **
Newton’s Method Flow Diagram
- define converge tolerance tol
Newton’s Method Flow Diagram
- calculate slope fpr(x)
calculate f(x)
Syntax to create an nxn identity matrix and an identity matrix the same size as matrix A
Bisection Method Flow Diagram
- input lower and upper limits low and high
To return an answer for an array function use
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Excel command for inverse
For an undetermined system, what methods will not work
Matrix inverse method and Cramer’s method
MATLAB command for inverse
Excel command for determinate
Newton’s Method Flow Diagram
- output root x
Using the Exponential Function to describe data
y=b(10)mx and its equivalent form y=bemx give a straight line when plotted on a semilog plot whose y axis is logarithmic
Syntax and solution output for pseudoinverse method
minimum norm solution
Using the Power Function to describe data
y=bxm gives a straight line when plotted on log-log axes
If you attempt to solve a _____ using the inv command, MATLAB displays _____
If you attempt to solve a singular problem using the inv command, MATLAB displays an error message