Intro To Brain Flashcards
Frontal lobe:
Precentral gyrus
Function: Voluntary movement of muscles of body and head region
Disorder: Loss of voluntary movement of body and head region
Frontal lobe:
Premotor region
Function: Aids and integrates voluntary movements of body
Disorder: Apraxia (loss of ability to carry out complex movements of body and head)
Frontal lobe:
Frontal eye fields
Function: Controls voluntary horizontal movement of eyes
Disorder: Loss of voluntary control of horizontal movement (i.e. eyes cannot deviate to side opposite lesion)
Frontal lobe:
Prefrontal cortex
Function: Intellectual functions; affective processes
Disorder: Intellectual and emotional impairment
Frontal lobe:
Broca’s motor speech area
Function: Regulates motor aspects of speech
Disorder: Motor aphasia
Parietal lobe:
Postcentral gyrus
Function: Conscious perception of somesthetic senesation
Disorder: Loss of somatosensory perception
Parietal lobe:
Wernicke’s area
Function: Reception integration of speech
Disorder: Receptive aphasia
Parietal lobe:
Superior parietal lobule
Function: Integration of sensory and motor functions; programming mechanism for motor responses
Disorder: Posterior parietal syndrome; sensory neglect; apraxia
Temporal lobe:
Superior temporal gyrus
Function: Auditory perception
Disorder: Loss of auditory perception
Temporal lobe:
Middle temporal gyrus
Function: Detection of moving objects
Disorder: Loss of movement detection
Temporal lobe:
Inferior temporal gyrus
Function: Recognition of faces
Disorder: Loss of facial recognition
Occipital lobe:
Upper and lower banks of calcarine sulcus
Function: Visual perception
Disorder: Parital or total loss of vision of the contralateral visual fields for both eyes, depending upon the extent of the lesion in the visual cortex
Deep Brain:
Ventricles of the brain
Lateral, third, and fourth ventricles and cerebral aqueduct
Function: Flow of the CSF throughout the CNS -> a sources of electrolytes and conduit of neuroactive and metabolic products
Disorder: Hydrocephalus
Deep Brain:
Basal ganglia
Caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra
Function: Regulation of motor functions associated with cerebral cortex
Disorder: Dyskinesia
Thalamic nuclei
Function: Transmission of signals from other regions of the CNS to the cerebral cortex mediating sensory, motor, cognitive, and affective (emotional) functions
Disorder: Disruption and possible loss of sensory, motor, and other functions
Hypothalamic nuclei
Function: Visceral (feeding, drinking, autonomic, and endocrine functions and sexual and emotional behavior)
Disorder: Disruption, loss, or alterations in visceral and affective functions and processes
Limbic Structures:
Hippocampal formation, amygdala, septal area, cingulate gyrus, prefrontal cortex
Function: Modulation of hypothalamic functions; regulation of emotional behavior; short-term memory
Disorder: Temporal lobe epilepsy; loss of control of emotions and related affective processes; loss of short-term memory
Cerebellum and Brainstem:
Cerebellum: anterior, posterior, and flocculonodular lobes
Function: Integration of motor functions related to all regions of the CNS associated with motor and related processes
Disorder: Loss of balance; ataxia; hypotonia; loss of coordination; disorders of movement when intentionally attempting to produce a purposeful reponse
Cerebellum and Brainstem:
Function: Transmission and regulation of sensory, motor, and autonomic functions (cranial nerves III and IV)
Disorder: Sensory, motor, and autonomic deficits as well as deficits associated with cranial nerves III and IV
Cerebellum and Brainstem:
Function: Transmissions and regulation of sensory, motor, and autonomic functions (cranial nerves V, VI, and VII)
Disorder: Sensory, motor, and autonomic deficits as well as deficits associated with cranial nerves V, VI, and VII
Cerebellum and Brainstem:
Function: Transmission and regulation of sensory, motor, and autonomic functions (cranial nerves VIII, IX, X, XII)
Disorder: Sensory motor, and autonomic deficits, including respiration, as well as deficits associated with cranial nerves VIII, IX, X, and XII