Intro to Biochem Vocab Flashcards
Organic Compounds
compounds that has both Carbon and Hydrogen in it (C2H6,C6H12O6,Ch4)
Inorganic Compounds
compounds that doesn’t have both Carbon and Hydrogen in it (NaCl, H2O, CO2)
compounds that has carbon to hydrogen to oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio; important for energy (glucose, sucrose, starch)
compounds that has Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, but not in definite ratio. Important for energy storage and insulation; makes up cell membranes (Cholesterol, fat). non-polar. Vitamins A,D,E,K.
compound made of polypeptides, composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and a little sulfur. Important for enzymes, structure, antibodies, hormones. (Hemoglobin, collagen)
Nucleic Acid
compounds made of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous; important in genetics (DNA and RNA)
Dehydration Synthesis
a reaction that puts together molecules; adds monomers together to make polymers (Monosaccharide + Monosaccharide = disaccharide)
a reaction that breaks apart molecules; takes polymers and breaks them into monomers (Disaccharide broken into 2 Monosaccharides)
a simple sugar; just 1 ring (glucose)
2 sugars together- 2 rings (sucrose)
many sugars put together - many rings (cellulose, starch, glycogen)
a polysaccharide found only in plants
a polysaccharide found in animals; animal starch; stored in liver; stored form of glucose
a polysaccharide found only in plants- surrounds cell walls
amino acid
building blocks of protein; builds muscle