Intro to Anes Test1 Flashcards
What are the 17 States in which CRNAs may practice Independently?
1) Alaska, California, Colorado, Iowa, Idaho
2) Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Montanna, Nebraska, New Hampshire
3) New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin
Why do marketers love Transitions?
Because changes in habits are more likely to occur and stick during transitional periods.
Define Encoding?
Encoding is the storage of information in the brain in such a way as to allow for easy retrieval later. It is the reason we studying.
Encoded material must be moved from working memory to long term memory in order to retrieve it later. Which part of the brain does this process?
The diencephalon and limbic system
What are the three types of Encoding?
1) Semantic Encoding - Encoding of meaning (i.e. the meaning of words)
2) Acoustic Encoding - The encoding of sound, especially the sound of words).
3) Visual Encoding - The encoding of picture images.
How should we facilitate Encoding?
1) Organize it
2) Manipulate it: read it write, draw it, say it out loud.
3) Map it out connections between concepts
4) Discuss it with your colleagues
5) Reflect on it
6) Practice it
Facts vs Concepts?
Facts need to be memorized, concepts need to be learned. i.e. :
Fact: the MAC of Sevoflurane is ~ 1.71 +/- 0.07%
Concept: A lower MAC value represents a more potent volatile anesthetic.
Describe the following Learning Hacks:
1) Spaced Learning
2) Interleaving
3) Peer Teaching
4) Connecting
1) Spaced Learning - Revisiting a topic at regular intervals over the space of a few weeks or months.
2) Interleaving - Studying multiple subjects during one block session.
3) Peer Teaching - Teaching your classmates to encode the information in your own brain better.
4) Connecting - Making connections between topics. i.e. flow charts, idea maps, etc.
3 Examples of Passive Learning?
1) Listening to a lecture
2) Watching a video
3) Reading and highlihiting
6 Examples of Active Learning?
1) Taking notes
2) Drawing pictures
3) Asking questions
4) Making Flash cards
5) Making charts
6) Making mock tests questions
Survey - skim the chapter, pay attention to headings, diagrams, and review questions.
Question - what am I trying to learn, what do I know already?
Read - read one section at a time
Recite - reword the material
Review - make mnemonics, use diagrams, charts or note cards
The Moral Code of Anesthesia States that which 3 patient core values must be honored?
1) Honesty - Includes fairness and straight forwardness of conduct and adherence to facts.
2) Loyalty - Includes allegiance to a larger group of CRNAs, supportive of individual colleagues in crisis, supportive of accomplishments of colleagues.
3) Equal treatment of all patients - Regardless of race, gender, religion orientation. Also, no administering anesthesia to your own family members except in emergencies.
What are the 5 additional characteristics included in a CRNAs moral code?
1) Accountability - Accepting responsibilities for own actions.
2) Reliability - Dependable
3) Kindness - Sympathetic/Empathetic: able to treat people nice in your speech and actions.
4) Respect - Treat everyone with respect regardless if they are a child molester, prisoner, etc.
5) Ethics - Able to treat PTs undergoing abortion even if you don’t agree with it.
Proper radio etiquette?
1) Hold talk button, say person’s name and then msg (i.e. “Leo patient to be seen in prep bay 8
2) Messages are to be brief
3) PT information should never be shared over the radio
Rules for writing a professional email?
1) Use CC ethically - Use when msg is directed to one or more individuals but others need to be informed as well.
2) Use BCC ethically - Is ethical when sending to a group and privacy is a concern. Is unethical when one person doesn’t know the conversation is being copied.
3) Subject lines should be 3 words or less, not complete sentences. Also, should not be vague or presumptuous.
4) Comma should follow salutation and name as well. (i.e. Hi, Joan,)
5) Emails should be no more than 3 paragraphs, 4 sentences per paragraph. If there are multiple paragraphs, use an attachment.
6) Never send a msg when you’re angry
First nurse known to apply anesthesia on the battle field is who?
Catherine Lawrence
Who was recognized as the very first CRNA?
Sister Mary Bernard - In 1878, she took over St Vincnent’s Anesthesia dept
The History of Anesthesia is marked by the following important dates. What happened in the following years?
1) 1771
2) 1800s
3) 1844
4) 1846
5) 1853
1) 1771 - Carl Scheele discovered O2, Cl and Mn
2) 1800s - Joseph Priestly discovered N2O (but Humphrey Davey discovered its euphoria/pain relief in 1844)
3) 1844 - Horace Wells, dentist who tried to demonstrate successful use of N2O became addicted to chloroform and died.
4) 1846 - William Morton discovered ether induction
5) 1853 - John Snow (first Anesthesiologist) popularized Chloroform.
What happened in 1540?
Valerius Cordus developed a method for synthesizing ether.
Edith and Dinah Graham?
in 1844, they became the 1st non-religious CRNAs and helped to build ST. Mary’s in Minnesota.
Mrs. John Harris?
In 1863, she administered chloroform in the battle of Gettysburg.
Alice Macgaw?
The Mother of Anesthesia.
She founded the first anesthesia school and perfected the open drop ether method.
Took over for Edith Graham at St Mary’s
Talked calmly to PTs so they would relax and have better outcomes
Florence Henderson?
Personal CRNA of Charles Mayo from 1903-1917.
Worked with mother.
Debated Agatha Hogins on ether vs. n2o.
Published about the need for formal education.
Agatha Hogins
From Canada, she is the founder of the AANA.
Worked with Dr Crile and used Nitrous/O2 with nerve blocks to ease CV effects associated with ether and chloroform.
Established Nurse anesthesia as a profession.
Alice Hunt
Pioneered N2O anesthesia technique.
1ST CRNA to be appointed to a medical school faculty
Helen Lamb
Did the first successful pneumonectomy in 1933.
Expanded education from 8wks to 2 years.
Perfected intubation with Woodbridge tube.
Colonel Mildred Clark
1ST CRNA to serve as chief of the US Army Nurse Corps Helped to create Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals (MASH).
Forced to stay at hospital for 3 weeks
Worked for promotion of Nurses in the Army
Helped develop program at University of Hawaii
How do CRNAs get re-imbursed?
Via Medicare part B
What are the 4 goals of anesthesia?
1) Anesthesia
2) Analgesia
3) A-reflexia
4) . ANS suppression
Francis Rynd
Used the first hypodermic needle