∙ Also referred to as Psychopathology (literally: ―pathology of the mind‖) is the study of abnormal behavior.
∙ It is the application of science in the study of mental disorders.
∙ It is the study of individuals with mental, emotional, and physical pain.
∙ Study of the nature, symptomatology, development, and treatment of psychological disorder
Abnormal Psychology
Challenges to the study psychopathology:
∙ Maintenance objectivity
∙ Avoiding preconceived notion
∙ Reducing stigma
behavior that is socially acceptable to the standards of the society. In short, if behavior is socially acceptable or conforming to the standards of society, then that behavior is normal.
a. Normal Psychology
b. Abnormal Behavior
c. Normal Behavior
d. Abnormal Psychology
Normal Behavior
what is accepted by the majority is considered normal. A problem in this definition is that not everything that is accepted by the majority can be considered normal.
a. Normality is average
b. Normality is social conformity
c. Normality is personal comfort
Normality is average
Anyone who conforms to the standards of the society is considered normal. Two main problems in this definition put consideration to the Problem of Criminality and the Problem of Social Standards.
a. Normality is average
b. Normality is social conformity
c. Normality is personal comfort
Normality is social conformity
If a person feels/experiences pleasure or comfort, then the behavior is considered normal. Likewise, if a person feels/experiences displeasure or discomfort, then that is considered abnormal. Issues with this definition include the Problem of Objective and Subjective Symptoms, the Problem of Individual Reactions to Discomfort, and the Problem of Social Consequences.
a. Normality is average
b. Normality is social conformity
c. Normality is personal comfort
Normality is personal comfort
Other definitions for normality:
- Normality is Ideal
- Normality is a process
The view that there are no universal standards or rules for labeling a behavior as abnormal. Behaviors can only be considered abnormal based on or relative to cultural norms.
a. Psychological relativism
b. Cultural relativism
c. Behavioral relativism
d. Normality relativism
Cultural relativism
Behaviors which are considered unusual or deviant are considered as abnormal behaviors.
a. Abnormal
b. Unusualness
c. Quirk
Behaviors should be considered abnormal only if the individual suffers distress and wishes to be rid of the behaviors.
a. Unusualness
b. Stress
c. Distress
Behaviors are not considered abnormal unless they are a part of a mental illness.
Mental illness
Four D’s of Abnormal Behavior
- Dysfunction
- Distress
- Deviance
- Dangerousness
Criteria for Stating what is Abnormal Behavior:
- Cultural relativism
- Unusualness
- Distress
- Mental illness
Criteria for Normality
- Average
- Social conformity
- Personal comfort
Behavior causes impairment in social and occupational functioning. This means that the behavior interferes with the person’s ability to form and maintain relationships or hold a job.
a. Dysfunction
b. Distress
c. Deviance
d. Dangerousness
Behaviors and feelings that cause distress to the individual or to others around him or her are also likely to be considered abnormal.
a. Dysfunction
b. Distress
c. Deviance
d. Dangerousness
Deviant and unusual behaviors lead to the judgment of abnormality.
a. Dysfunction
b. Distress
c. Deviance
d. Dangerousness
some behaviors and feelings are of potential harm to the individual, such as suicidal gestures, or to others, such as excessive aggression. Such dangerous behaviors and feelings are often seen as abnormal.
a. Dysfunction
b. Distress
c. Deviance
d. Dangerousness
A behavioral or psychological syndrome (groups of associated features) that is associated with:
- Current distress (painful symptoms), or
- Disability (impairment in one or more important areas of functioning), or with
- A significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom
what is the presenting problem of the client?
a. Present
b. Prevalence
c. Sex ratio
d. Incidence
how many cases occur during a given period, such as a year?
a. Present
b. Prevalence
c. Sex ratio
d. Incidence
that is, what percentage of males and females have the disorder
a. Present
b. Prevalence
c. Sex ratio
d. Incidence
Sex ratio
how many new cases occur during a given period, such as a year?
a. Present
b. Prevalence
c. Sex ratio
d. Incidence
how’s the beginning of the disorder
a. onset
b. Course
c. chronic course
d. episodic course
meaning that they begin suddenly
a. acute onset
b. insidious onset
acute onset
others develop gradually over an extended period
a. acute onset
b. insidious onset
insidious onset
meaning the disorder will improve without treatment in a relatively short period
a. Time-limited course
b. Etiology
Time-limited course
what contributes to the development of psychopathology?
a. Time-limited course
b. Etiology
how can we help to alleviate psychological suffering? It includes pharmacologic, psychosocial, and/or combined treatments
a. Treatment
b. Prognosis
c. Treatment outcome research
d. Specifiers
the anticipated course of a disorder (e.g. good or guarded)
a. Treatment
b. Prognosis
c. Treatment outcome research
d. Specifiers
how do we have helped? Limited in specifying actual causes of disorders
a. Treatment
b. Prognosis
c. Treatment outcome research
d. Specifiers
Treatment outcome research
Terms such as mild, severe, in remission, and recurrent as they apply to mood disorders. When a patient no longer has the disorder, an appropriate specifier is Full remission
A historical perspective on abnormality wherein this theory saw that abnormal behavior is similar to physical disease, which is caused by a breakdown of the systems of the body. Because of that, the cure for abnormal behavior was to restore bodily health.
a. Biological theory
b. Supernatural theory
c. Psychological theory
Biological theory
A historical perspective on abnormality wherein this theory saw abnormal behavior as a result of divine intervention, curses, demonic possession, or personal sin. To rid the person of such, they turn to religious rituals such as exorcism, confession, and atonement.
a. Biological theory
b. Supernatural theory
c. Psychological theory
Supernatural theory
A historical perspective on abnormality wherein this theory saw abnormal behavior as a result of
traumas such as bereavement or chronic stress. In this model, rest, relaxation, and a change of environment can be helpful.
a. Biological theory
b. Supernatural theory
c. Psychological theory
Psychological theory
Father of Modern Medicine
a. Hippocrates
b. Hippocratic Corpus
c. Galen
d. John P. Grey
The associate of Hippocrates who suggested that psychological disorders can be treated like other diseases. Can be caused by brain trauma or genetics.
a. Hippocrates
b. Hippocratic Corpus
c. Galen
d. John P. Grey
Hippocratic Corpus
⮚ Abnormal behavior had natural causes, not because of demonological accounts.
⮚ All problems are caused by imbalance in the body
⮚ Treatment is aimed at balancing
a. Biological tradition
b. Supernatural tradition
c. Psychological tradition
Biological tradition
Physician who continued on the work of Hippocrates
a. Hippocrates
b. Hippocratic Corpus
c. Galen
d. John P. Grey
Hippocratic-Galenic Approach: _____ Theory
Humoral Theory
What are the four (4) humors in humoral theory?
Black bile
Yellow bile
in the 19 century this STD caused by a bacterial microorganism entering the brain. Behavioral and Cognitive Symptoms include believing that everyone is plotting against you or that you are God, as well as other bizarre behaviors.
b. Syphilis
c. Chlamydia
d. Genital herpes
What is the cure for Syphilis?
a. Antibiotic
b. Paracetamol
c. Amoxicillin
d. Penicillin
Champion of the BT in the US, his position is that the cause of insanity is always physical, mentally ill patients are to be treated as though they are physically ill
a. Hippocrates
b. Hippocratic Corpus
c. Galen
d. John P. Grey
John P. Grey
⮚ Demons and Witches
⮚ Supernatural causes of psychological disorders
⮚ Work of the devil or Witchcraft
⮚ Treatment: Exorcism, Shaving a cross pattern in the hair, or securing sufferers to a wall near the front of a church
a. Biological tradition
b. Supernatural tradition
c. Psychological tradition
Supernatural Tradition