Intro + steps of complete denture Flashcards
Patients r either
- dentulous
- edentulous
Meaning of dentulous:
It’s a condition in which natural teeth are present in the oral cavity
Meaning of edentulous:
It’s a condition in which some or all of the natural teeth r absent in the oral cavity
Meaning of completely edentulous
It’s a condition in which all of the natural teeth are absent in the oral cavity
Meaning of partially edentulous:
A condition in which some of the natural teeth are missing
Complete Denture:
A prosthesis that replaces lost natural dentition + associated structures of mandible or maxilla
What r components of a complete denture?
- denture base
- denture boarder (edge)
- denture flanges
What is a denture base?
the part of denture that rests on tissue foundation and carries artificial teeth
Denture Flange meaning 🔭
part of denture base which extends from the teeth to the border of the denture.
Denture Border meaning ☺️
It is the margin of the denture base at the junction b2ian polished surface + impression surface.
The dental flanges according to their location 📍
- B flange: portion of denture related to cheek + occupies B vestibule
- labial flange: portion of denture related to lip + occupies labial vestibule
- lingual flange: portion of MAND. denture related to 👅 + occupies lingual sulcus
- palatial portion: portion of MAX. denture related to palate
List the Denture surfaces
- polished surface
- fitting surface
- occ surface
What is the Polished Surface ☺️
• It starts from the borders of the denture and extends to the occlusal direction.
• This part of the denture is polished
• It includes labial, buccal + lingual surfaces.
• outer surface of denture + carries artificial 🦷
What is the fitting surface of denture?
It’s the surface that fits on the tissue
aka. Tissue, basal, foundation, impression
Who is zat Occlusal surface in dentures?
It is part of denture surface 🧙♀️ contacts w/ corresponding surface of opposing denture.
Complete dentures r made for the
following reasons :
• Restoration of function of mastication
• Restoration of normal appearance of face.
• Correction of speech defects resulting from loss of natural teeth
• Preservation of tissues in good health
• patient satisfaction + comfort
List the extra oral landmarks (anatomical landmark of the face)
- inter pupillary line
- ala tragus line
- canthus tragus line
- naso labial sulcus
- vermillion border
- labio mental sulcus
- philtrum
- angle of the mouth
- modiolus
Interpupillary line 👀
It is an imaginary line extending from one pupil of one eye to the other, which is used for determining the incisel plane of ant. teeth
Ala-tragus line 👃
• It is an imaginary line extending
b2ian ala of nose + the tragus of the ear
• which is used for determining the occlusal plane of the denture. (Post. part)
Naso labial sulcus 👄
It is a depression, which extends from the side of the nose downwards and backwards.
# It becomes deeper with age and with the loss of teeth especially the canines.
# It can be restored through
- proper positioning of ant teeth of denture
- proper contouring of upper denture flange.
• a diamond shaped area located at the center of the upper lip
• w/ anterior teeth loss it becomes flattened
• replacement of missing teeth should restore its normal shape.
Vermillion border
- after extraction of ant teeth, supporting alveolar bone is resorbed
- amount of vermilion border of upper lip is reduced.
- The condition is improved by
*thickening of the labial flanges of denture *proper positioning of the anterior teeth.
Angle of za 👄 (comissure)
• Inflammation + drooping of saliva from the angle of mouth Is cld “Angular Cheilitis”
which may be due to:
1.Prolonged edentulous state
2. Denture with low vertical dimension
3. Vitamin B12 deficiency
- a depression below + D to corner of mouth
- with loss of teeth it will become flattened.
- replacement of teeth should restore its normal shape.
Labiomental sulcus
• Class 1 (Normal Condition)
curvature of sulcus is gentle w/ obtuse angle.
• Class 2
curvature shows acute angle, mand retruded
• Class 3
angle of the sulcus is straight, protruding max- mand relationship
List all the names for the inner surface of denture
- impression surface
- tissue surface
- fitting surface
- basal surface
- foundation surface
Another name for outer denture surface
Polished surface
Restoration of function of mastication:
Mastication is an important function of the teeth. Hence when
they are lost, masticatory efficiency and the process of Digestion are
significantly affected.
Restoration of normal appearance of the face:
- Teeth and their supporting bone play a great role in maintaining normal facial dimensions and contours
- as they provide support for the
lips and cheeks. - Loss of teeth resultsin a prematurely aged (senile) appearance
- due to loss of support, and consequent falling in of the lips and cheeks.
- A properly constructed denture will restore patient’s normal appearance.
Correction of speech defects:
Proper placement of artificial teeth is hence necessary to correct the speech defects that result from the loss of natural teeth.
Preservation of the remaining tissue structure:
- The alveolar process that developed w/ the teeth for the purpose of supporting them, resorbs to a varying extent after their loss.
- Restoration of chewing function through dentures minimizes the rate of alveolar bone resorption.
- W/ loss of teeth, the TMJ r subjected to continuous strains bc the mandible closes in abnormal positions.
Patient Satisfaction and comfort:
By achieving the previously mentioned objectives, the patient
can psychologically accept his complete denture and patient
satisfaction and comfort could be obtained.