Intro + spina bifida Flashcards
What are the 3 components of the Brainstem?
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla
What is the CNS made up of?
- Cerebrum (2 cerebral hemispheres)
- Diencephalon
- Brainstem
- Cerebellum
- Spinal cord
what is the PNS made up of?
nerve axons & ganglion (contain cell bodies/soma)
cranial nerves (12 pairs) and spinal nerves (31 pairs)
What is columnar organization?
Columnar organization refers to collections of neuron cell bodies (gray matter) with similar organization and function located through multiple levels of the spinal cord and brainstem
What is the difference between convergence and divergence?
Convergence (input) is where hundreds of billions of neurons come together and converge with one
- Ex. affert info from MSK system and input from brain
- ex. neural input to sensory assoc areas in cerebral cortex, where info from hearing, vision, touch is integrated
divergence (output) is where one neuron synapses and provide input to several neurons
- Ex. signaling of info from a pinprick
What makes up white matter?
What makes up gray matter?
neuron cell bodies
PNS: ganglia
CNS: nuclei
CNS but surface of brain: cortex
Bundles of while matter could be called:
What germ layer is the nervous system developed from?
(outer cell layer of the embryo)
What does the neural tube develop into?
Spinal cord and brain (CNS)
What does the neural crest develop into?
Summarize normal brain development
Telencephalon –> cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia
Diencephelon –> thalamus & hypothalamus
Mesencephalon –> midbrain
Metencephalon –> pons & cerebellum
Myelencephalon –> medulla
Compare and contrast spina bifida occulata and spina bifida cystica
spina bifida occulata
- defect confied to vertebral arches
- meninges DONT extend through the defect (no protrusion)
-Usu produces no clincal sxs
- tuft of hair on overlying skin
spina bifida cystica
- meninges (w or w/o spinal cord) protrude through vertebral arch defect to dorm cyst-like sac (filled w/ CSF)
What is meningomyelocele?
meningomyelocele (open spinal bifida) is spina bifida cystica where both the meninges AND spinal cord protrude through the vertebral arch defect
-neuro deficits manifest inf to level of cyst
-ex. with lumbosacral involvement –> saddle anesthesia, paralysis of bladder and anal sphincters, partial or complete paralysis of skeletal mm of legs
what is Arnold-Chiari malformation/cerebellomedullary defect?
-Medulla & post-cerebellum are elongated and extend into foramen magnum
-Often no clinical sxs
- If severe, –> hydrocephalus
- Common sxs: respiratory problems, difficulty in swallowing, diminished gag reflex, noisy breathing, laryngeal stridor