Intro/Skeletal Muscle Structure Flashcards
Muscle makes up ___ in men
42-47% of body mass.
Muscle makes up ___ in women
Types of muscle
Each skeletal muscle is an organ. True or false?
Properties of the cells of the skeletal muscle
- Long and cylindrical, in bundles
- Multinucleate
- Obvious Striations
Which muscle type carries our voluntary actions?
What are the skeletal muscle’s connective tissue components?
- Endomysium
- Perimysium
- Epimysium
Skeletal muscles are found…
…attached to bones in the skeletal system
Endomysium is found…
…between fibers
Perimysium is found…
…surrounding bundles
Epimysium is found…
…surrounding whole muscle
Which tissue component of skeletal muscle covers the entire muscle?
Smooth muscle is found…
…in the walls of hollow organs like blood vessels and the GIT
Properties of the cells of smooth muscle
- Uninucleate
- No striations
The movements of smooth muscle are voluntary. True or false?
Which muscle type possesses two layers of opposite orientation?
Smooth muscle
Muscle layers of smooth muscle
Components of connective tissue in smooth muscle
Endomysium smooth muscle tissue
It surrounds cells
Properties of cells of cardiac muscle
- Branching, chains of cells
- Single Nucleated
- Striations
Cardiac muscle cells are connected by…
…intercalated discs
Cardiac muscle movement - Involuntary or not?
The heart muscle is called…
Connective tissue component of cardiac muscle
Endomysium; it surrounds cells
A skeletal muscle fiber is an individual muscle cell. True or false?
Shape of muscle fibres
They are long and narrow in shape
Sarcolemma is…
…the plasma membrane of the muscle cell. It surrounds the sarcoplasm and has many nuclei (multi-nucleated)
The nuclei of the muscle cell are located…
…in the periphery of the muscle cell just beneath the sarcolemma
The organelle must abundant in skeletal muscle fibres is…
Cellular levels of structures in the skeletal muscle fiber from 1 to 5 are…
Sarcolemma Sarcoplasm with organelles and proteins Myofibrils and myofilaments SR T tubules
Why are there abundant mitochondria in skeletal muscle fibres?
High demand for energy (ATP) required for muscle contraction
What is myoglobin?
A protein with a high affinity for oxygen, just like haemoglobin
Function of myoglobin
It transfers oxygen from the blood to the mitochondria of the muscle cell
What are myofibirils?
A cylindrical bundle of contractile proteins, which are called myofilaments, within a muscle fiber
What are myofilaments? Where are they found?
They are contractile protein filaments that make up the Myofibrils, located in the sarcoplasm of the muscle cell
What are the names of the myofilaments of striated muscle cells?
–Actin – thin filament
–Myosin – thick filament
What is the Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)?
•Located where the SR ends, which is near the area where actin and myosin overlap
–The SR tubules and terminal cisternae store high concentrations of calcium, which is important in the process of skeletal muscle contraction
A saclike membranous network of tubules that are actually an elaborate form of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
SR surrounds ____ and contains ___
myofibril, terminal cisternae