Intro lecture Flashcards
what is the dot product of two vectors a (a1, a2, a3) and b (b1, b2, b3)?
a.b =a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3
what is the dot product of two vectors a and b, given their magnitudes and the angle between them
a.b = |a||b|cos (theta)
what two properties does the dot product have?
linearity: (alphaa + betab).c = alphaa.c + betab.c
symmetry: a.b = b.a
how do you calculate the magnitude of a vector? (otherwise known as norm or length)
|a| = \sqrt(a.a) = \sqrt(a1^2 + a2^2 + a3^2)
how can you tell if two vectors are orthogonal?
their dot product is zero
how can you give the equation of a plane, given a vector that is normal to it (a) and any point (r) on the plane (P)?
r.a = constant
this is because if r0 is a fixed point on the plane, then r-r0 must definitely be perpendicular to a, so (r-r0).a=0, so r.a=r0.a=constant
how can you easily check if a plane passes through the origin
it’s constant will be equal to zero, when you determine the coefficients of (x,y,z) by the vector a, and the values of (x,y,z) by a point r0
how can you write the equation of a plane in a way that looks cartesian?
a.r = a1x + a2y + a3z = constant
(with r = (x,y,z) )
what does the cross product give you?
a vector denoted a x b that is orthogonal to both a and b and thus orthogonal to the plane spanned by a and b
how do you calculate the magnitude of the cross product?
|a x b| = |a||b|sin(theta_{ab})
to work out the direction of the cross product, which fingers equate to which vectors in the right hand rule?
a is the first finger
b is the middle finger
a x b is the thumb
what is the magnitude of the cross product equal to
|a x b| is the area of the parallelogram that is spanned by the two vectors a and b
what are the two properties of the cross product?
linearity: a x (alphab + betac) = alphaa x b + betaa x c
anti-symmetry: b x a = - a x b
what is the cross product of a vector with itself?
the zero vector, i.e. a x a = 0
what is the cross product of a vector with any parallel vector and why?
0, as sin(theta_{ab})=0 with theta_{ab} either zero or pi