Intro + Causality and RFs Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Cohort called?
Follow up
Prospective studty
there is retrospective cohort
Compare between three types of observational studies
Exposed or non then follow up to be diseased or non
diseased or not then have you been exposed or not at yoour lifetime ?
Cross sectional ! snap shot of prevelance !
diseased now! or not ?
Are u exposed now! or not !
prevelance at specific time ! not concerned with duration he may be diabetic today and enter the study
‘Compare between three types of observational studies
Exposed or non then follow up to be diseased or non
diseased or not then have you been exposed or not at yoour lifetime ?
Cross sectional ! snap shot of prevelance !
diseased now! or not ?
Are u exposed now! or not !
prevelance at specific time ! not concerned with duration he may be diabetic today and enter the study
Eperinmental are?
Clinical trials for individulas
Community trials
Risk factor
exposure increasing the probability to catch a disease
when nonpreventable called Risk attribute
-dISEASE Is multifactorial
each disease has multiple compnent casuse each componet casue is of ?
Risk factors
and can cause the disease itself
Risk factor that is in all Compnent causes called?
Necessary Risk Factir
Infectious agents are ,,,,, risk facotrs?
مستحيل المرض يحصل بدونهم زي الكوليرا مستحيل بدون القيبرو كوليراي
Meaurement of association in cohort
Relative riske of risk ratio =
Inciedne expode / incdece non exposed
=1 not risk
>1 risk
<1 protective
Attriubitale risk among exposed and attribuiable risk among population compare
Among exposed it is the proprtion of cases in the exposed due to the exposure
Among population
Proption of cases among populatio due to the exposure
ARe =15 means each15 from 100 of exposed are HTN due to smoking for example
ARp = 6 each 6 from 100 of population are HTN due smoking
Attribuitalbe risk fraction wheter exposed or population
Is the percentage!
Attirbutalbe risk ex= ?
I expodsed = I nonexposed
if Population ?
I population -I non exposed
if u want the fraction
divde the reuslt / first value
Test of signifacne between propfrtion by?
if the relationship is stassitically signifacnt
x2 chi squre
Odds ration in case control study =
odds in case /odds in control
odd in cases /odds in control
oddis cases / odds in control
طرفين في وسطين بس اعرف مين المصاب ومين السليم الاول عشان ممكن يعكس الجدول في الامتحان
If case control study about smoking and HTN has odds ratio=9 means?
The cases are 9 times more to be smokers than Controls