Intro and Red Flags Flashcards
T/F LBP affects men more than women
F affects them equally, typically between ages 30-50 yo.
____ of adults have LBP at one time
1 in ___ suffer with chronic LBP
Back pain accounts for approximately ____ of all patients treated in outpatient PT practices
5 risk factors for LBP
> 1hr/day in car
>1hr/day in activity with vibratory forces
full term pregnancy with vaginal delivery
repetitive heavy lifting
Most expensive cause of work-related disability is ____ and most common cause of work-related disability in people under ____
LBP, 45 years
Greatest predictor of surgery is _____
the number of surgeons in the local population
What are the 3 levels of classification made by the therapist in the TBC
1- is the pt. appropriate for PT
2- what is the level of acuity
3- what treatment should be used
Red flag- history of major or minor trauma, fall, Motor vehicle accident, strenuous lifitng
possible fracture, especially in an older or OA patient.
Red flag- immuno-suppression from transplant, IV drug abuse, or prolonged steroid use
increased risk of infection
Red flag- Age over 50
Higher risk of cancer, AAA, fracture, and infection
Red flag- past or present history of any type of cancer
increased risk of cancer-causing LBP. common metastatic cancers that cause LBP are from prostate, breast, kidney, thyroid, lung, and lymphoma. (PB KTLL “lead kettle”)
Red flag- pain not relieved with rest or wakes at night, not related to movement or positioning
increased risk of cancer, infection, and AAA
Red flag- Fevers, chills, night sweats (fevers > 100, chills, waking up sweating, temp changes at night
increased risk of infection or cancer
Red flag- weight loss
unexplained loss of 10+ lbs in 3 mo that is unrelated to change in diet or activity may indicate infection or cancer
Red flag- Recent bacterial infection
increased risk or infection
Red flags- Cauda equina syndrome
saddle anesthesia, bladder dysfunction, progressive or severe neuro deficit in the LE
What pt population is at higher risk for spinal infection
DM, IV drug use, alcoholics on corticosteriods, SCI with neurogenic bladder, other immune-suppression, 3rd decade
Spinal infection signs and symptoms
severe night pain, increasing severity over up to 2-3mo, fever, chills, fatigue, concurrent infection or drug use, possible redness, swelling, warmth, local tenderness over SP; spinal percussion painful
AAA is a abdominal aortic vessel distension of 3 cm or more and risk for rupture increases as diameter approaches __ cm
AAA is most common in individuals aged ___ and older. More common in ___
60, males
What is the most common clinical presentation of AAA
The clinical presentation of AAA increases with _____ but not with _____
general activity, spinal movement
How do examine for AAA
palpation of diameter, auscultation for a bruit, bounding mass (not just pulse) indicative of rupture
two question depression screen
- over the past 2 weeks, have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?
- over the past 2 weeks, have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Key factors of Anklyosing Spondylitis
- morning stiffness > 30 min
- improvement in LBP with exercise but not with rest
- Night pain during second half of night only
- alternating buttock pain
if 3/4 are present than there is a good +LR