Intro and Eicosanoids Flashcards
What drug is PGE2 and what is it used for?
- Cervical ripening, cervical gel (0.5mg to 1.5mg/24hours), promotes cervical breakdown by activating collagenase, relaxes smooth muscle via EP4 receptor
- Termination of early pregnancy/abortion, vaginal suppository (20mg to max dose of 240mg), causes uterine contraction via EP1/3 receptors
Adverse effects of PGE2?
Think cervical ripening and termination of early pregnancy
- GI-related (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
- Fever
- Uterine rupture
What drug is PGF2alpha and what is it used for?
- Termination of 2nd trimester/week 13-20 pregnancy, IM injection 250ug/no more than 12mg, stimulates uterine contractility via FP receptors
- Control postpartum hemorrhage when conventional methods fail, IM injection, 250ug/no more than 2mg, causes myometrial contractions via FP receptors
Are the effects of carboprost mediated by calcium and/or cAMP?
Termination of pregnancy and postpartum hemorrhage control are both mediated by an INCREASE IN CALCIUM via FP receptors
Are the effects of dinoprostone mediated by calcium and/or cAMP?
Cervical ripening is mediated by an INCREASE IN cAMP via EP4 receptors
Early termination of pregnancy is mediated by an INCREASE IN CALCIUM via EP1/3 receptors
Misoprostol is an analogue of which prostaglandin?
What is misoprostol used to treat? How is it administered?
Ulcers induced by long term NSAID use
Oral prep, 4x/day
What is the mechanism of misoprostol? Calcium or cAMP mediated?
Suppresses gastric acid secretion by parietal cells via EP3 receptors, DECREASE in cAMP, increasing mucin and bicarbonate secretion
Increases mucosal blood flow via EP2/4, INCREASE in cAMP
Major side effect of misoprostol?
Contraindication of misoprostol?
Other than misoprostol, what is another drug that is PGE1?
What is Alprostadil used for? How is it prepared? Mechanism/Ca or cAMP?
- Erectile dysfunction, intracavernous injection, relaxes trabecular smooth muscle and dilation of cavernous arteries, leads to entrapment of blood and causes erection. Via EP2/4 receptors and INCREASE in cAMP
- Temporary maintenance of patent ductus arteriosus until surgical correction, IV infusion, relaxation of ductus smooth muscle via EP2/4 receptors and INCREASE in cAMP.
Adverse effects of alprostadil?
For erectile dysfunction: priaprism (erection
For keeping ductus open: apnea in about 10% of neonates; <2kg weight
Which drug is used as a PGI2 analogue?
What is epoprostenol used to treat? How is it administered?
Primary pulmonary hypertension, rare idiopathic disease mostly seen in young adults (seen more in females, causes right heart failure, often fatal
Continuous IV infusion (central venous catheter)
What is the mechanism for epoprostenol, receptor, cAMP or Ca2+?
IP receptor, cAMP-mediated dilation of pulmonary artery VSM
Adverse effects of epoprostenol?
Nausea, vomiting, headache, flushing
Bimatoprost is an analogue for ___ and is used to treat ______ & ______ and is administered as _______
- PGF2-alpha
- Glaucoma
- Eyelash hypotrichosis
- Ophthalmic solution
How does bimatoprost treat glaucoma and eyelash hypotrichosis; mechanism?
Increases OUTFLOW of aqueous humor via EP2/4 receptors and INCREASED cAMP
Increases the percent and duration eyelashes are in the growth phase
Adverse side effects of bimatoprost?
For glaucoma: eye redness, itching, changing in eye color, increases length and number of eyelashes
For eyelash hypotrichosis: eye redness, itching, excess unwanted hair growth, brown iris pigmentation
What are characteristics of acute inflammation? Main cell type?
Rapid onset (minutes), short duration (hours-days) Main characteristic: EDEMA Main cell type: Leukocytes, mainly PMNs
What are the characteristics of chronic inflammation? Main cell type?
Prolonged duration (weeks or months) May follow acute inflammation or start without any manifestations of an acute reaction Main characteristic: FIBROSIS Main cell type: monocyte
What are the differences in how acute and chronic infections are triggered?
ACUTE: infection, microbial toxins, trauma, foreign bodies (splinters, dirt, etc)
CHRONIC: Immune-mediated inflammatory disease like RA, MS, allergic diseases OR prolonged exposure to potentially toxic agents
inflammation protects against foreign objects and necrosis but it itself can NOT cause tissue damage. True or false?
FALSE; it IS capable of causing tissue damage