Intro, Anat & Physi of Pregnancy Flashcards
List 2 hormones secreted by the hypothalamus (w/ their effects) & how they r secreted
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
- stimulates development of ovarian follicle
Luteinising Hormone (LH)
- further development of ovarian follicles, stimulates ovulation
–> Hypothalamus –> anterior pituitary gland –> Gonadotrophin Releasing Factor (GnRF)
List 2 hormones secreted by the ovaries and their effects
- proliferation of uterine endometrium
- Secretory changes of uterine lining: endometrium proliferation, increase blood supply, thick, viscous cervical secretion
When does quickening happen?
week 16-20 of gestation
(primipara 18-20; multipara 16-18)
Name the waxy white substance coating skin of newborns
Vernix caseosa
What is Lanugo? When does it appear & disappear on a foetus?
very thin & soft foetal hair
appears at week ~12-16; disappears from face at week 28-32, body at week 32-36
List the 5 hormones found in placenta
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG)
Human Chorionic somatomammotropin (human placental lactogen)
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) production, effects & remarks
Produced by trophoblast
Maintains corpus luteum to continue producing oestrogen & progesterone
detectable in urine 10 days after conception, rises rapidly during 1st trimester then decline; indicator of pregnancy test
Oestrogen production, effects & remarks
Produced by corpus luteum in early pregnancy then by placenta
Stimulates uterine growth, increase blood supply to uterine vessels, development of glands & ductal system in breasts
Progesterone production, effects & remarks
first produced by corpus luteum then by placenta
Maintains endometrium & inhibit uterine contractility; stimulate growth of lobes & lobules in breasts; lower smooth muscles & increase fat deposition
Human Chorionic somatomammotrophin (human placental lactogen) production, effects
Produced by placenta, acts as insulin antagonist, increases maternal blood glucose level
Relaxin Production, effects
Produced by placenta;
inhibits uterine activity, reduces strength of uterine contraction,
softening & relaxing of cervix, connective tissue
List out 4 hormones secreted by the pituitary gland (endocrine system)
- growth hormone
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone (skin pigmentation)
- prolactin (milk production)
- oxytoxin (uterine contraction during labour, milk-ejection (letdown reflex)after childbirth
2 hormones secreted by the thyroid & adrenal gland (endocrine system)
- hyperplasia & increased vascularity leads to increased secretion of thyroid hormone
–> increases metabolic rate
- corticosteroid production suppresses inflammatory reactions, lowers rejection of fetal protein (foreign body)
Where & when is uterus palpable?
Symphysis pubis (~frontal hip bone) starting from week 12
Describe changes in muscle fibres of the uterus
Endometrium (inner) - thicken, become decidua
basalis (maternal placenta), capsularis (chorion, surrounding foetus), parietalis
Myometrium - hypertrophy & hyperplasia
inner: circular, middle; interlacing, outer: longitudinal
Describe positive Hegar’s sign
softening & compressibility of lower uterine segment (isthmus)
ps. upper segment: fundus
Changes in cervix & vagina during gestation
- softening (Goodell’s sign)
- rise in vascularization –> bluish discoloration (Chadwick’s sign)
- formation of mucous plug (operculum)
- more vascular, thickened & distensible –> light pink to deep violet (Chadwick’s sign)
- more vaginal secretion (leukorrhea)
Changes in breast during gestation
- increase in size, growth of duct & glandular tissue
- areola develops Montgomery tubercles
- nipples more prominent & pigmented
- colostrum production (antibody-rich, yellow fluid)
Describe changes in cardiovascular system during gestation
Cardiac output ~4.5 –> 7L/min, increased HR, total blood volume ~50% above prepregnant levels, plasma volume ~50%, red cell mass ~30% –> haemodilution/ physiological aneamia of pregnancy
increased iron demands
increased plasma fibrinogen & clotting factors –> hypercoagulable state leads to risk of venous thrombosis
BP lowers slightly in 2nd trimester, then return to prepregrancy state at 3rd
What are irregular, painless contractions that occur intermittently throughout pregnancy?
Braxton Hicks contractions
What is supine hypotensive syndrome in women
compression of inferior vena cava by enlarged uterus when women lies in supine position
–> left lateral recumbent position is optimal for cardiac output & uterine perfusion
4 changes in respiratory system during gestation
tidal volume increased by 30-40%
O2 consumption increased by 15-20%
diaphragm elevated due to pressure form enlarged uterus –> SOB
Nasal congestion due to increased vascularity –> nosebleeds
7 changes in GI system during gestation
- nausea & vomitting (hCG)
- hyperemic, swollen gums, easier bleeding
- inc. salivation (ptyalism)
- Oesophageal reflux & heartburn; low GI motility,relaxation of cardiac sphincter & smooth muscle –> slow gastric emptying; upward displacement of stomach
- constipation (low peristalsis due to more iron supplements & less movement)
- hemorroids (pressure of uterus on veins & constipation)
- prolonged gallbladder emptying (predispose to gallstone formation)
5 changes in renal/ urinary system
- increased urinary frequency in 1st & 3rd trimesters
- dilation & kinking of ureters –> urinary stasis
- inc. vesicoureteric reflux
- inc. glomerular flitration rate (GFR) 30-50% but tubular reabsorption remains constant –> glycouria
- inc. risk of UTI
changes in musculoskeletal system
Waddling gait
- relaxation of ligaments, muscles & pelvic joints
- increased lumbosacral/ lordotic curve (lordosis)
- forward shifting centre of gravity
- Pelvic girdle & back pain
3 changes in integumentary system
- hyperpigmentation
- face: chloasma (melasma gravidarum)
- abd wall: linea nigra & striae gravidarum
- areolae, nipples, vulva, perineal area - vascular spiders (telangiectasias) - small, fiery-red branching spots (dilated blood vessels)
- Oedema, varicosities of vulva, rectum & legs
- enlarged uterus caused pressure on pelvic & femoral vessels –> dec. venous return from lower extremities
Describe the weight gain during gestation
0.5-2kg in 1st trimester; then
0.4-0.5kg/ week till term
Nutrition gains during 1st trimester
folate, vitamin A, iodine
Nutrition gains during 2nd & 3rd trimester
folate, vitamin A, iodine
iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium
increased energy & protein demands for the growing fetus
What extra nutrition is required for breastfeeding?
extra 500 kcal/ day
sufficient protein, folate, iodine, zinc, vitamin A, DHA