intro about anatomy and physio with pathophysiology Flashcards
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study of internal and external structure of the body and there relationship to each other
study of the different regions of the body?
regional anatomy
macroscopic, can it be seen by naked eyes?
gross anatomy
study of the specific systems of the body such as digestive and reproductive system?
sytematic anatomy
needs microscope and cannot be seen by naked eyes
microscopic anatomy
study of cellular structure
cell anatomy
study of the structure of the body using x-rays and other noninvasive imaging techniques?
radiology or radiographic anatomy
study of prenatal development
embryology or embryological anatomy
study of human growth and development from fertilized egg, nature adult to death
developmental anatomy
structural changes associated with disease
pathological anatomy
study of hoe the structure of these organism perform their function and how the body parts works
the basic and smallest unit of all matter
combination of two or more atoms
molecule containing of more than one element
smallest independent unit of life and this is the basic structure and functional unit of an organism
cellular level
made up of many similar cells that perform specific function
tissue level
tissues that are joined together and these structure that are composed of two or more different types of tissues
organ level
have an recognizable shape
organ level
consist of related organ with common function
system organ level
all the parts of the human body functioning together constiture the total organism
organism level
in body movements, such as walking, maintains posture; and produces heat.
muscular system
comprises brain, spinal cord, and nerves arising from them; the master that coordinates the activities of all other systems
nervous system
regulates body activies by realising hormones
endocrine system
cells that carry out immune response
lymphatic system and immunity
Helps regulate acid-base balance, temperature, and water content of the body fluid; blood components help defend against disease and repair damaged blood vessels.
cardiovascular system
comprising the lungs and the system of the tubes for air
respiratory system
concerned with assimilation of food
digestive system
produces, stores, and eliminate waste; helps the body to maintain body fluid
urinary system
sum of all the chemical processes that occur in the body
the breakdown of complex chemical substances into simpler components
building up of c omplex chemical substances from smaller, simpler components
the body’s ability to detect and respond to changes
includes motion of the whole body
is an increase in body size that result form an increase in the size of existing cells
the development of a cell from unspecialized into specialized state
the formation of new cells for tissue growth, repair, or replacement,
maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment that is essential to life
condition of equilibrium (balance) in the body’s internal enviroment
one way to disrupt homoestatis
factors causing stress called
fluid within the cell
intracellular fluid (ICF)
fluid outside body cell
extracellular fluid
that fill the narrow spaces between cells of tissues
interstitial fluid
within blood vessels
blood plasma
within the lymphatic vessels
lymph fluid
within the brain and spinal cord
cerebrospinal fluid
the body can regulate its internal environment through many feedback system
feedback system