Intro Flashcards
When the web started?
60s… that could survive a nuke war.
What was the first network? What was first connected?
ARPANET. Link from US to Europe via satellite.
When the world wide web was proposed?
When the first browser was developed?
What was the idea behind the WWW?
To have access to html documents. They could be decorated with different styles.
When the CSS was introduced?
When the javascript was introduced? And why?
- It was created to implemented programmable actions.
What are the basic ‘ingredients’ of the web?
- HTML (documents, images and other static files)
- CSS (cascade style sheet. Used for styling)
- JS (JavaScript. Used to interact with the page)
- URLs (uniform resource locators)
- HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)
Where are the ingredients hosted?
In a web server
What’s HTML?
It’s a markup language
What are the versions of HTML and when were they released?
1990: first specification
1993: difrst draft
1995: html 2.0
1997: 3.2 and 4.0
1999: 4.01
2014: html5
2016/17: 5.1 and 5.2
Who manages the HTML specs?
- Tim Berners-Lee (creator)
- 1993 - Imtermet Emgineering Task Force (IETF)
- 1996 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C - founded by Tim)
- 2004 - Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG)
What’s the basic structure of a html document?
doctype, html, head, body.
What’s a good site to check which elements are supported by specific browsers?
What’s a good site to try html live?
What is CSS?
is a style sheet language to describe how elements should look like.
What is CSS Selectors?
Is a way to targeting styles into specific elements or classes.
What is CSS priority?
It means the same styles (when overlapping) will be chosen based on a pre-defined priority.
What is CSS priority?
It means the same styles (when overlapping) will be chosen based on a pre-defined priority.
What’s the biggest priority we can have?
!priority flag.
What is a CSS library?
is a library that contains already-defined css specs.
List the most common CSS libs.
Bootstrap, materialize, ionic, font-awesome, hamburgers.css.
What are CSS preprocessor?
It’s a more advanced way to define CSS. Usually once written is then compiled to css file.
What is the most common CSS preprocessor?
How does less is turned into CSS?
Via compilation (included in the tool)
What is the latest release of CSS?
What is a javascript?
Is a high-level and interpreted programming language
What can javascript do?
Interact with the HTML and the user without refreshing the page. Javascript can also make AJAX calls.
What’s AJAX?
Asynchronous javascript and XML. Technique that uses javascript. Also do not require to refresh the page.
What are the most common JavaScript libs and framworks?
JQuery, Dojo, Bootstrap and others.
Angular, Node, React, Node.js and others.
What is ECMAScript?
A standard. Implemented by JavaScript.