Intro Flashcards
What are the basic components of the CNS
Cerebral hemispheres, brainstem, cerebellum, spinal cord. Not neccessarily within bone, e.g. cords equina
What are the basic components of the pNs
Dorsal and ventral roots,spinal elves, peripheral nerves
What is grey matter?
Composed of cell bodies, dendrites, and axon terminals. It is highly vascular which reflects its role in synaptic processing.
Grey matter contains axons to communicate with white matter.
What is the grey matter in the CNS, and what is the pNS equivalent
The grey matter in the CNS is:
Cerebral cortex, nuclei, horns of the cord
The PNS equivalent of grey matter is a “ganglion” (collection of cell bodies), but beware the term basal ganglia, as they are in the CNS
What is white matter
Composed of axons with their supporting cells (a fibre). White matter is white due to the presence of myelin. The pNs equivalent of white matter is a peripheral nerve
Describe the segments of the cord and the nerve they are connected to
• The cord is composed of around 31 segments, each supplying a given dermatome and myotome on each side
• The cord has a central core of grey matter and an outer shell of white matter
• Each segment connects with a spinal (mixed) nerve through dorsal (sensory) and ventral (motor) roots
• Knowledge of dermatomal and myotomal supply allows localisation of lesions to a given cord segment(s)
What is a funiculus
Funiculus (pl. funiculi): a segment of white matter containing multiple distinct tracts. Impulses travel in multiple directions - both afferent and efferent fibres
What is a tract?
Tract: an anatomically and functionally defined white matter pathway connecting two distinct regions of grey matter. Impulses travel in one direction. Each tract has one function, e.g. sensory. They are within the funiculi.
What is a fasiculus?
Fasciculus (pl. fasciculi): a subdivision of a tract supplying a distinct region of the body. Not all tracts have fasiculi.
There are 2 fasiculi in the dorsal colum - gracile and cuniate
Describe the grey matte of teh cord
- Just as white matter is organised into tracts etc. grey matter in the cord is organised into cell columns
- The motor neurones supplying a given muscle arise from multiple segments and form a distinct population of neurones in the CNS – a nucleus
What is a nucleus
A collectuion of bilaterally symmetrical functionally related cell bodies. Relay info up an down - cortical processing
What is the cortex
A folded sheet of cel bodies found on the surface of the brain. Typically 1-5mm thick
What is a fibre
A term related to an axon in association with its supporting cells. Used synonymously. There are association fibres, commissural fibres, projection fibres
What is an association fibre
Connect cortical regions within the same hemishphere. Association fibres which connect 2 neighbouring gyri are called U fibres
What are commissural fibres
Connect the let and right hemispheres or cord halves. E.g. ventral white commissure in cord, corpus callosum in brain
What are projection fibres
Connect the cerebral hemispheres with the cord/brain stem and vice versa
What are the general roles of the midbrain
Midbrain (mesencephalon)
• Eye movements and reflex responses
to sound and vision
What are the general roles of the pons
Feeding and sleep
What are the general roles of the medulla
• Cardiovascular and respiratory centres
• Contains a major motor pathway
(medullary pyramids
What are the key gyri and Sulci
Central sulcus: Sitting in the coronal plane. Key landmark separating frontal and parietal lobes
Precentral gyrus: Contains primary motor cortex
Postcentral gyrus: Contains primary sensory cortex
Lateral/Sylvian fissure: Separates temporal from frontal/parietal lobes
Parieto-occipital sulcus: Separates parietal from occipital lobe
Calcarine sulcus: Primary visual cortex surrounds this
What are the key features of the inferior aspect of the brain
Optic chiasm: A site where fibres in the visual system cross over
Uncus: Part of the temporal lobe that can herniate, compressing the midbrain. Important olfactory role Medullary pyramids: Location of descending motor fibres (each has around 1 million axons!) Parahippocampal gyrus: Key cortical region for memory encoding
What are the key features of he midline of the brain
Corpus callosum: Fibres connecting the two cerebral hemispheres
Thalamus: Sensory relay station projecting to sensory cortex Cingulate gyrus: Cortical area important for emotion and memory
Hypothalamus: Essential centre for homeostasis
Fornix: Major output pathway from the hippocampus Tectum: Dorsal part of the midbrain involved in involuntary responses to auditory and visual stimuli
Cerebellar tonsil: Part of the cerebellum that can herniate and compress the medulla
What are the ventricles
• Having developed from a hollow tube, the brain is itself hollow
• These cavities are known as the brain ventricles
• The ventricles each contain choroid plexus, which
makes a total of 600-700ml of CSF per day
What are the functions of csf
• CSF has both metabolic and mechanical functions
o Contains glucose and may be even hormones
o Shock absorbs the brain and renders it effectively weightless
• CSF circulates through the ventricular system and subarachnoid space before being reabsorbed at the arachnoid granulations (and some other sites)
o Arachnoid granulations resemble little cauliflowers, projecting into the superior sagittal sinus. Here CSF crosses the wall of the granulation and enters venous blood
Describe the lateral ventricles
A pair of lateral ventricles. The lateral ventricles sit deep within cerebral hemisheres - they have seperate parts sitting in different lobes of the brain:
• temporal horn sits in temporal lobe
• Frontal hon sit in frontal lobe
• Occipital horn in Occipital lobe
lateral ventricles are the largest ventricles, contains the most choroid plexus so make the most csf . Csf passes through the intraventricular foramen. This connects the 2 lateral ventricles together. Csf goes through here before it enters the 3rd ventricle
Decribe the 3rd ventricles
3rd ventricle - thalamus within its walls. Thalamus squashes the 3rd ventricle flat. Also hypothalamic nuclei + struectes related to pineal gland. 3rd ventricle has its own choroid plexus so csf added. Then it drains into cerebral aqueduct (in the midbrain), then into 4th ventricle.
Describe teh 4th ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct @ midbrain. 4th ventricle sits bellow the cerebellum. • The fourth ventricle sits beneath the cerebellum, and CSF can drain from it via the lateral (of
Luschka) and median (of Magendie) apertures
o These apertures are direct holes in the brain, permitting CSF to drain from the ventricular system into the subarachnoid space. There is negligible drainage via the
spinal cord central canal
• Once in the subarachnoid space, CSF percolates around the superficial surfaces of the brain
and spinal cord before being reabsorbed in the granulations. 4th ventricle is continuous with central canal f spinal cord, bu central canal is so narrow - there isnt a significant amount of csf that passes though it.
Decsribe booking of he ventricular system
Blockage of the ventricular system
• Blockage of a part of the ventricular system will lead to upstream dilatation and potential damage to structures surrounding the dilated ventricles
• The cerebral aqueduct is a common site for such occlusions, maybe due to congenital stenosis or tumour
o Blockage of the aqueduct would cause dilatation of the lateral and third ventricles but with a normal fourth ventricle (downstream)