Intro Flashcards
Free association reveals aspects of the unconscious mind.
Refusal to acknowledge anxiety-provoking stimuli
Pushes threatening thoughts and ideas into the unconscious
shifting one’s unconscious aggression or fears to a safer target
creating logical, socially acceptable explanations for behaviors which were actually driven by unconscious impulses
Reaction formation
Hides threatening impulses by over-emphasizing their opposite
Attributing anxiety-provoking impulse or thoughts to others
Dangerous urges are transformed into positive, socially meaningful motivations.
Rebellious free spirit
eccentric characters whose unusual behaviors are mistaken for insanity
Evil with her nymphomaniac, manipulative behaviors and inappropriate attempts to seduce male. destroys life of men
Homicidal maniac
ruthless and unfeeling evil. impervious to psychiatric help
enlightened member of society
Creative revolutionary capable of envisioning a utopian society
Narcissistic Parasite
Self-obsessed, over-privilaged attention-seekers that complain
Zoo Specimen
Treat people with mental illness as objects of amusement
Dr. Dippy Therapist
comic, crazy, and foolish. Lacks common sense (bizzare treatments)
Dr. Wonderful therapist
warm, human, caring, and use non physical treatments
Dr. Evil therapist
cruel and sadistic in the use of coercive physical treatments
pt unwillingness to discuss a particular topic in therapy
cured by making consious their unconious thoughts and motivations
free association
expression of the content of consiousness without censorship
feelings, desires, and expectations of one person are redirected to another person