intro Flashcards
Why is MRI important
MRI does not use x-rays.
MRI can lead to early detection and treatment of disease.
The MRI images are extremely precise.
Is sensitive for a variety of diseases, cancers, tumours, injuries and other abnormalities.
How does MRI work
A Large Magnet
Radio waves
Special Receiver Coils
A powerful Computer
The Receiver Coils
Specific coil for each region.
The coil measures the energy released by the protons as well as the time it takes to return to their aligned positions.
Different coils with different elements/receivers.
The fundamentals of MRI can be explained via
quantum physics as well as classical physics.
3 Forces:
Quantum Theory
Describes discrete quantities of energy.
Hydrogen nuclei possess discrete quantities of energy of populations termed high and low.
Low-energy nuclei align their nuclei to the external magnetic field (spin-up) nuclei.
High-energy nuclei go in the opposite direction and are called (spin-down) nuclei.
The Net Magnetic Moment of hydrogen
Each hydrogen nucleus is spinning on its own axis.
Bo has got an influence on this spin, in that it produces an addition spin or wobble of the magnetic moments of hydrogen around the external applied magnetic field.
This secondary spin is called precession and it follows a circular path around Bo.
The Larmor equation
ω = Bo x γ
Gyro-magnetic ratio is constant and expresses the relationship between the angular momentum and the magnetic moment of each MR active nucleus.
“Resonance is an energy transition that occurs when an object is subjected to a frequency the same as its own” MRI at a glance (2010)
When this process happens to a nucleus, it gains energy from the external force. The frequency delivered must be exactly the same as the precessional frequency of the nucleus otherwise resonance does not occur.
The energy (precessional frequency of hydrogen) at all field strengths in clinical MRI corresponds to (RF) radio frequency band of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Excitation is the term used when resonance occur if an RF pulse is applied that causes resonance.
There is an increase in spin-up nuclei because of the absorption of energy and if the field strength increases the energy difference between the two populations (spin-up and spin-down) also increases.
Example of excitation
What needs to happen for resonance of hydrogen to occur?
RF must be applied at exactly the Larmor frequency of hydrogen.
What is the result of resonance?
Magnetism in the transverse plane that is
in phase and precesses at the Larmor frequency.
The Free Induction Decay (FID) Signal
Recovery = when the amount of magnetization in the longitudinal plane gradually increases.
Decay = when at the same time, but independently the amount of magnetization in the transverse plane gradually decreases.
During this process the hydrogen give up their absorbed RF energy and their NMV returns toB0.
Independently, but at the same time the magnetic moments of hydrogen lose coherency due to dephasing.