Intro Flashcards
What are adverse effects of disproportionality?
Can be self fulfilling prophecy for minority kids.
What is disproportionality
The representation of a particular group of students at a rate different than that found in general population. Long hx of it in special Ed based on racial, cultural, ethnic or language diversity. Per exceptional children journal article
What are reasons for disproportionality?
Complex interplay of economic and demographic variables, including poverty, culture, geography, and language. Could be unconscious racial bias, resource inequalities and power relationships between school and parents. Article says still not fully known. Could go back to racial inequity from slavery, not teaching slaves to read, unequal education. Inequity in quality and quantity of educational resources. Racial disparities in referrals hook based risks, such as poor teachers, large classes, infective special Ed programs etc.
What did 2004 IDEA implement to address disproportionality?
States and localities have to implement procedures to prevent over identification of racial and ethnic minorities. Must gather and analyze data on minorities in disability categories, special Ed and disciplinary actions. No did classification if primary academic issue is lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math. Localities with high rates of minorities in special Ed have to implement early identification and intervention services. Disproportionate rep in special Ed and did categories are part of performance plans. Issue of inappropriate identification. Note english language learners not specially identified in the legislation although research shows disprop. More likely to be found dig esp when tested in eng. can also be under referral for ells in primary schools because insufficient services.
What can schools do to address disproportionality?
As per checklist developed in Wisconsin,
- school culture. Evaluate whether school supports diversity (recognize contributions of diverse people regularly, minority student recognition for their work, bilingual Ed). Does school have positive behavioral support for all students Recognize students for pis behavior staff training, classroom incentive plans.
- Culturally responsive coordinated early intervention services and referral. Appropriate duration, frequency and intensity of intervention with clear guidelines. Student receives services, such as help with homework, counseling on expectations. Lots of strategies tried. Do not view sp Ed referral as inevitable! Involve community, family resources. Analyze factors in why there is learning or behavior problem, family issues, socioeconomic,
3 culturally responsive IEP decisionmaking and eligibility determinations. Multiple measures of evaluation, including culturally representative std testing, nonverbal measures, informal assessments, social history, com, observations. Not just std tests. Based on measurable and observable data ie percent on task, consider cultural factors. Involve parents and make. U.tiple attempts to do so. Transportation, phone conference Discuss cultural factors in IEP records and ensure that classroom strategies to minimize cultural, language etc differences are provided. Incorporate home culture in classroom.
Need culturally competent teachers. Prefer real intervention, prevention, early intervention, put assessments in cultural context increase parental involvement.
What is effect of race, ethnicity in transition services?
Research shows that ethnicity may play a significant role in types of special Ed and transition services received. African American underrepresented in ap classes, over represented in special Ed and more likely in self contained classroom. More likely in more restrictive environment. More likely to receive education focusing on career and tech Ed. Study showed african American male with did desire to go to college but they were not mainstreamed, misalignment goals and services. Particularly an issue for urban students, more moving etc. need early transition services including middle school level to avoid tracking into ha curricula that don’t meet goal.
Give a specific examples of how you could measure disproportionality and related statistics.
Based on percentage classified with did versus percent of population. But maybe different risk levels. Or measure that groups representation in special Ed versus other groups taking into account risk ratio. Was more than two times as likely to be mr classified. A as more likely mr and Ed. Consistent over time. Latino more likely hearing impaired. Softer categories are more disproportionate, not visual impairment ortho impairment. Was are 33 percent mr classification but 17 percent of population. More restrictive environments.
What is the difference between disability and inability to do something?
Disability is when most people of silimar age, opportunity and education can do it. Eg adult who cant read but was never taught has inability and baby who cant walk has inability. Dib is a subset of inability.
What is the difference between disability and handicap?
Disability is an impairment wereas handicap is a disadvantage imposed on someone. Eg blindness is a dib but is not a handicap in darkness. Goal is to reduce handicapping individuals with dibs. Inability to walk is dib but only a handicap if building is not wheelchair accessible.
Is more known about the causes or treatment for people with disabilities?
What is an exceptional learner?
A student who needs special education and related services to realize full potential. Can be intellectual, learning disorder, emotional or gifted for example.
Does every student with disability belong in special ed?
No. Not eligible for special ed unless careful assessment shows cannot make satisfactory progress in regular classroom environment without special services.
Why is it hard to determine prevalence of disabilities?
Change in definitional categories, vague definitions, school reporting is key and school evals may differ.
Describe changes in prevalence of intellectual dibs, learning dibs and speech and language.
Intellectual decrease, learning increase and speech declined fro. 70s but is on rise.
Are these high or low incidence. Autism, blindness, communication, learning, intellectual, emotional
Blind and deaf are low. Autism low but asbetgers is increasing and may be high in future. Ld is high and emotional and mild intellectual. Severe intellectual is low. Increasing are tbi orthopedic autism and visual and hearing.
Name some dibs that are increasing in prevalence and why.
Asbergers and autism, tbi, visual and hearing, orthopedic. Autism. Change in defs and identification. Better survival for ortho. Increasing brain injuries for tbi. Decreasing hydrocephalus because can be treated in utero. Screening for cystic fibrosis. Medical breakthroughs, education about causes.
Define special education.
Specialized education to meet needs of exceptional learners that may involve special materials, teaching techniques, facilities or equipent and related services, uncluding tranportation, psol, occ or physical therapy.
When did special ed begin?
Residential schools for blind or deaf in early 1800s. Then itard taught wild boy of aveyron and first schools for intellectual or emotional distrurbed. Inspired by ideals of french revolution.