Intro Flashcards
What are intergroup relations?
- Any aspect of human interaction that involves individuals perceiving themselves as members of a social category, or being perceived by others as belonging to a social category
What is prejucide?
- affect
- an attitude (like/dislike) toward a people based solely on their group
- overt or hidden
- positive or negative
What are stereotypes?
- cognition
- a belief about a group of people
- generalization
- shared, cultural belief
- accuracy (to some degree)
- descriptive and prescriptive
What is discrimination?
- behaviour
- behaviours directed toward people on the basis of their group membership
What are the levels of disrimination?
- interpersonal
- organizational
- institutional
- cultural
What are the levels at which intergroup relations operate?
- systems and institutions
- groups and organizations
- interpersonal interactions
- individual minds
What is institutional discrimination?
- When norms, policies, and practices associated with an institution result in different outcomes on the basis of a group distinction
What is organizational discrimination?
- When norms, policies, and practices associated with an organization result in different outcomes on the basis of a group distinction
What is interpersonal discrimination?
- When one person treats another person differently on the basis of their group membership
What is discrimination within individual minds?
- personalities, perceptions, beliefs, identity, individual characteristics that make someone more or less likely to discriminate
What is cultural capital?
- social assets of a person that promote social mobility
- allows some people to get ahead
What is social capital?
- value obtained from interpersonal relationships and social networks
How can we explain why having a kid correlates with lower earnings for women but not men using the 4 types?
- individual: boss think mothers less committed to their careers
- interpersonal: job discrimination against mothers, perceived as less competent
- cultural norms: mothers default for childcare
- organizational/institutional: workplaces don’t accommodate childcare
Carlos is a student from from a lower-SES family who is the president of a club at his university. Every year, his club has access to money from the university to hold events. Three weeks after any event is held, the university will reimburse the club president for the money he spends.
Unfortunately, Carlos realizes he doesn’t have enough savings to spend money for events and wait for reimbursement. When he asks an administrator for money in advance, the administrator says they can’t make any exceptions.
What form of discrimination is this?
What is the relationship between prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination?
- all influence each other (triangle)
What is selective exposure?
- Tendency to selectively seek information that reinforces one’s attitudes, while selectively avoiding information that contradicts one’s attitudes
- prejudice <-> stereotyping
How does prejudice/stereotyping influence discrimination?
- they work together to justify it
How does discrimination influence prejudice/stereotyping?
- self-fulfilling prophecy: expectation influences how you act toward person and how person acts towards you, so expectation confirmed