Intro Flashcards
What is the CNS made up of?
- Brain
- Spinal cord
What is the PNS made up of?
- Autonomic nerves
- Somatic nerves
- Cranial nerves
- Ganglia
Boney protection of the CNS
- Skull
- Spinal column
Connective tissue which covers the CNS
Cushions the CNS and keeps it buoyant
Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
Subdivisions of the CNS
- Cerebral hemispheres
- Diencephalon
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Cerebellum
- Medulla
- Spinal cord
What makes up the diencephalon?
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Cerebral hemisphere lobes
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Occipital
- Limbic
- Lingula
What did the CNS begin as developmentally?
Hollow tube
What does the lumen of the hollow tube persist as in an adult?
Ventricular system
What is the lumen of the tube in an adult brain referred to as?
What is the lumen of the tube in an adult spinal cord referred to as?
Central canal
Basic regional types of matter named on their appearance in
unstained brain tissue
- Gray matter
- White matter
What does gray matter primarily consist of?
Neuronal cell bodies
What does white matter primarily consist of?
Neuronal cell processes
Layered (laminated) gray matter
Nonlayered gray matter in the CNS
Nonlayered gray matter in the PNS
What does white matter form?
Other names:
- Nerves
- Tracts
- Fasciculi
- Stria
- Funiculi (ex: funiculus gracilis; funiculus cuneatus)
- Pathways
- Peduncles