Intro Flashcards
What are poker tournaments about?
Future game and waiting for good spots.
Who do you want to 3bet?
3bet for value against everyone, as a bluff only reasoned opponents.
No balance needed in low and mid stakes
What to do with big hands?
Big pots, be greedy, no balance needed in low and mid stakes
What to do with bad hands?
Be cautious and disciplined, pot control
What is to be avoided in low and mid stakes?
Fancy plays and creative bluffs, better playing straight forward
What style should you play usually?
Play solid style, let the opponents play fancy and adjust accordingly
How to play in EP?
Tight and straight, many players behind
How to play in LP?
Exploitative, adjust based on opponents
When should you 3bet exploitatively LP vs LP?
When the opponent is open folding too much
What if CO/BTN/SB/BB is aggressive?
We open less from late position
What if things aren’t going well?
Be patient and disciplined, stick to the plan, don’t get your ego involved
What is a loosing strategy?
Playing hands for the sake of playing back when you feel overwhelmed
How do you save money postflop?
Avoiding mistakes preflop
When do we cbet the most?
- When we are IP
- When the flop hits our range
What should you always be aware of?
Whether or not you hand has improved against villain’s range/value
What should you be able to do?
Fold, letting go marginal value such as top pairs, overpairs, bluff catchers
What if villains keeps barrelling and the pot gets really big?
They probably have a hand
When do you bet 50% or 67% pot?
If your hand is good on the flop
What to do if by the river many draws missed?
Go big for value with your value hand
Why should you cbet?
Not to give away equity realization, equity denial
What about triple barrel bluffs?
To be avoided against recreationals, they are too curious.
Only against reasoned opponents
Bluff sizing?
Small sizing when bluffing
Which range has equity versus EP?
Low cards, they don’t clash with their range and you are rarely dominated
Why to calculate direct odds?
To be aware of how many times you have to be right for your call to be profitable
When to give up bluffs?
When your hand didn’t improve on later streets
How much to cbet OOP?
Less with bigger sizes, only when you have direct equity, otherwise you simply give up
What is ICM core concept?
Every chip you win is worth less than every chip you loose
Does a double up in chips means your stack $EV is doubled aswell?
No, part of the EV of our double up is distributed among other players as well since they all benefit from a player busting
When is ICM impact heavier?
Close to money bubble and FT bubble
Why do you want to be tight as a midstack?
Because there is little to win since a double up in stack doesn’t mean a double up in $EV, but there is much to loose in tournament life and payjumps
What is card removal effect?
The likelihood of low cards being removed from the deck as the players fold through
What to consider when open shoving with SC?
Players left to act are more likely to wake up with higher cards since players that fold through in earlier positions probably removed lower cards from the deck
What if you missed the board OOP?
You give up your hand, especially against those recreationals whose range is difficult to define
Who do we 3bet mid strenght hands vs?
We 3bet mid strength hands vs reasoned EP as a bluff like AQo, A9s, KTs to make them fold better hands
Why do we 3bet mid strength hands vs EP?
To make them fold better hands
When not to be stubborn?
When our opponent is apparently running good and his range is strong
Why is it dangerous to bluff in big pots?
Because the human nature is more attached to big pots, hence why opponents will be less likely to fold
When do you want to attack your opponent?
When his range is wider since he could be having more hands
What is likely to happen the earlier you open?
It is more likely for my opponents to wake up with a hand
What are we supposed to do cbet wise with 40+BB?
We are supposed to cbet 33% really often and eventually give up
Why do we want to cbet more in low and mid stakes?
Because population is not x|raising enough
What are we supposed to do BvB?
We are supposed to stab more and limp less, population is not aggressive enough
How is population behaving in late stage?
They get tighter because of money pressure, you can exploit this
Why don’t we want to call 3barrels often?
Because population is not aggressive enough, they often have it
What is likely to occur when you face a triple barrel?
Facing a triple barrel in low and mid stakes usually means you are holding a bluffcatchers, learn how to fold
How often should we cbet flop IP?
We should cbet 70/80%
How often should we cbet turn IP?
Around 50%
How often should we bet river?
Only if we have value or very strong blockers against reasoned opponents
What’s advised to do before a session?
Meditation and breathe exercises
Why should you always be thinking about worst case scenarios?
To be able to deal with it and accept it
How should you see yourself when facing bad beats?
With a solid posture on the chair, in command of the situation regardless the outcomes
Why should you let negative emotions run through your mind when running bad?
To process them and let them go, to avoid fake positivity
Why should we avoid hyper and turbos tournaments to protect our bankroll?
Because the faster the game go the more variance is involved and more buyins are required
Why should you play lower abi in low and mid stakes?
Because a bigger field means a higher variance
When should you move up in stakes if your bankroll allows you to do so?
When you are sure you are beating your game
What if your bankroll decreases?
We do the same with stakes and buyins
Why should you stay in your comfort zone when it comes to bankroll management?
To perform our A game and take the right spots regardless of the outcomes
Why is ego not to be involved in poker?
Because math and long term results feel no emotions
Is it fine from time to time to take a shot at higher stakes than you bankroll can afford?
Only if it doesn’t become a habit
What is gambling mentality?
Chasing losses and not be able to recognize when to step down in stakes
Why should you avoid 3bet bluffs against recreationals?
Because they hardly fold and we could find ourselves dominated or in tough spots
In low and mid stakes what should we go with when a hand has various frequencies?
We should go for the safest option
How are you generally supposed to act vs EP?
Tight, straight and pot control
How are you supposed to act vs LP?
Loose, aggressive and exploitative
Is hero folding worth more than hero calling in low and mid stakes?
Yes, population underbluff
What should you consider when 3betting or 4betting?
Pot odds your opponent is getting
Why does every 3bet/4bet become profitable if your opponent fold more than 50% of his range?
Because he is usually given 33% odds to call and if he fold 50% you are making automatic profit
Suppose you open QJo 30BB in CO and you face a 3Bet from SB: why is is a good option to 4bet non committed?
Because we are not committed, we block QQ and JJ who 3bet 100% of the times and we put in tough spots better hands
What should you notice when facing a 3bet as or versus a short stack?
How much my opponent is committing himself versus me, there is still fold equity eventually
what is a fundamental of preflop ranges?
Adjusting based on the opponent
What to consider when facing 3bets?
Stacks in play, positions and opponent type
When do we realize more equity and why?
When we have few blinds because we eventually loose less blinds if our draws miss
What to consider when you face a 3bet as UTG?
Population is generally scared to 3bet utg hence why their range is strong
What to consider when you face a 3bet as utg with a mid strenght hand and your stack is between 15 and 30 blinds?
You still have a playable stack, don’t be willing to put it in necessarily
What if you just call a 3bet as utg with 15-30 BB?
Your range is polarized between top range and speculative hands, reasoned opponents will generally consider this
Why is poker non-binary?
Because a certain play could be good against a given opponent and bad against another one
What to do against population if a spot is marginal?
Fold, they don’t bluff enough
Why is shoving from EP a good option as a short stack?
Because our opponents will get it in carefully since other players are left to act, so we often avoid flipping and eventually being dominated
*How to be a preflop crusher?**
- No punts
- Wait for good spots
- Overfold vs EP’s 3bet
- Mix in aggressive 4bet
What to do when you face preflop aggression from EP/MP with mid strength hands like 88-TT, AQo, KQo ecc.?
Be careful and disciplined! Do not gamble
What should you do in a spot where you’re not really sure what to do?
Fold, do not waste your tournament life
Heads up from the SB: which hands do you want to open?
Top range & trash hands to make your opponent fold hands that dominate you
Heads up from the SB: which hands do you want to open call?**
Medium suited broadways
Heads up from the SB: which hands do you want to limp?
Single high card suited hands to not give up equity if you face a jam
** Heads up from the SB: which hands do you want to limp/call?
Suited and off-suited connected hands (JTo, J9o, 87o, 65o) that have some equity based on stacks in play, player and ISO size
Is the range we go broke with wider in BvB?
Yes, we go all in wider based on stack sizes
Why do you walk your opponent here and there in BvB?
To not tilt him, otherwise his firing back could ruin your gamplan
How should you play OOP in BvB?
As everytime you’re OOP, cautious and pot control
What to consider when deciding whether to open or not a marginal hand in BvB?
Opponent type, the tighter the opponent the looser we open and viceversa
Heads up from the BB, which hands do we jam with as a short stack against limps and why?
Every low A, suited connectors, low pairs and weak suited broadways to deny equity
Heads up from BB: what to consider when facing aggression from SB and deciding whether or not to defend a hand?
Opponent type
Heads up from BB: why do we want to isolate trash hands vs limps?
To fold out better hands
Heads up from BB: which hands do we check back with against SB limp?
Hands with decent equity that would struggle against a limp reraise
**BB vs LP & LP flat deep stacks:
1. Which hand do we prefer folding and why?
2. Which hands do we prefer calling and why?
3. Which hands do we squeeze as a bluff and why?
4. Which hands do we just realize equity with?
- We prefer to fold medium connected hands (J9, T9, T8) and SHCH because we are often dominated by LP’s flatting range
- We prefer to call low connected cards because we don’t often clash against villains ranges and SHCH suited to realize our equity
- Weak Ax because they don’t have much playability post flop and KTs, K9s, QTs, JT, type of hands because we can fold out better hands
- AQo, AJo, ATs, KQo, KJs type of hands, we just call and realize equity while potentially having opponents dominated because those hands would struggle against a 4bet
Why the deeper you are, the more you want to avoid marginal spots?
Because you have a healthy future game ahead and you can afford to wait for better spots
BB/SB vs EP & EP/MP, what is our 3betting range?
Our 3betting range is linear but we could include bluffs like AQo, ATs, A5s, KJs, KTs
BB/SB vs EP & LP/SB: what is our 3betting range?
We 3bet linear but our bluffs can include AQo, ATs, A9s, A5s, KTs, QJs, QTs, JTs, 76s, 65s
BB/SB vs EP&EP, what is our 3betting range?
We squeeze TT+/AQs/AKo for value, AQo, ATs, A5s, KQo, KJs as a bluff
MP vs EP & EP, what is our 3betting range?
We 3bet as a bluff AQo, ATs, KJs, QJs.
We would rather flat TT-, AQs, AJs, KQs
LP vs EP & EP, what is our 3betting range?
We 3bet as a bluff AQo, ATs, KJs, KTs, QJs.
We would rather flat TT-, AQs, AJs, KQs, KJs
BU vs MP & LP, what is our 3betting range?
We 3bet as a bluff AQo, AJo, A9s, A8s, A5s, KQo, KTs, QTs, JTs, 98s.
For value we 3bet TT+/AKo/AQs.
We flat suited connectors and low pairs
BU vs EP & LP, what is our 3betting range?
We squeeze as a bluff AQo, A9s, A8s, A5s, KQo, KTs, K9s, QTs.
We 3bet for value TT+, AKo, AQs.
We flat suited connectors, lower pairs, AJs, ATs, KQs, KJs, QJs.
BU vs EP & MP, what is our 3betting range?
We mostly want to 3 bet linear.
We eventually (based on EP) 3bet as a bluff AQo, ATs, A9s, A8s, A5s, KJs, KTs, QTs.
We flat AJs, KQs, QJs, JTs suited connectors and lower pairs.
BU vs EP & EP, what is our 3betting range?
We only 3bet for value AK, QQ+.
JJ based on OR.
As a bluff ATs, KJs, KTs, QJs.
We flat A3s/A4s/A5s, QTs, JTs, suited connectors and lower pairs
Openraising mistakes: what do we mean with too static of a range?
That we have do adjust our opening range based on who we are facing
Openraising mistakes: what do we mean by considering population tendencies??
Learning who to fold against, when pot control, when to be aggressive
Openraising mistakes: what do we mean by poor in game selection?
Money generally comes from weakest opponents, exploit them
Openraising mistakes: what do we want to avoid being loose from EP?
Because especially in lower stakes population doesn’t give credit enough to EP so you want to play a more solid strategy
Openraising mistakes: what do we mean by being GTO is wrong?
Being GTO in low and mid stakes is generally wrong since population plays very far from game theory optimal
Openraising mistakes: what do we mean by board coverage?
Especially in LP we want to open even low cards that might not be the optimal play, but once our opponents understand we do that, we’ll get more credibility on several boards
Principles of correct openraising in MMT: EP?
EP has static ranges but we can consider going wider if the table is soft or SB/BB are recreational
Principles of correct openraising in MMT: MP?
From MP we make small adjustments based on CO/BTN/SB/BB, the tighter they are the wider we go
Principles of correct openraising in MMT: LP?
From LP we make big adjustments based on BTN/SB/BB, the weaker the opponents left to act the wider we open.
Against calling stations and good players we go tighter.
Against aggressive players we stick to the ranges
How do we quickly gather infos on our opponents?
Stats: VPIP, 3bet, PFR, read on them and notes
What stats does a tight player have?
Vpip 24, Pfr 20, 3bet 7.
Why do we exploit a tight opponent preflop and not postflop?
Because they get to the flop with a narrower range, consider less hands to attack for their range to be folded
Factors that impact our range: what is in game table awareness?
In game table awareness is being able to adjust and adapt properly based on who is sitting at your table
Factors that impact our range: what if we have loose/aggro players behind?
We play tighter and eventually limp as a short stack
Factors that impact our range: what if we have tight/fish players behind?
We play looser against tight opponents and straight against calling stations and fishes
Factors that impact our range: what if we have loose/passive players behind?
We play tight and playable range with equity realization
Factors that impact our range: what if we have no info?
We play standard game theory optimal ranges
Who are the most likely players to get involved in the pot?
BB and BTN, be aware of how they play
What to keep in mind against regulars at the early stages of the session?
That they’re likely to have several tables opened thus we can steal their blinds wider
Spot: we are 20x HJ and we open A8o with CO and BTN being short stack: what are your thoughts on this move?
Our A8o hand get its value increased because CO and BTN short stacked are either shoving or folding so we don’t really get to play post flop.
Also, our A is a good blocker for their reshoving range.
Why are you opening looser in MP/LP with short stacks left to act?
Because you don’t get to play post flop since they’re either shoving or folding
Why as there are many short stacks in play our A/K/Q blockers go up in value?
Because we have good blockers versus opponents being in push/fold strategy
Flat calling and 3betting: what about in game awareness?
In game awareness will get us to know whether our table is tough or soft: in a soft table we can flat wider because we realize more equity.
If regular players are sitting behind us we want to flat less because we are more likely to face a squeeze
Flat calling and 3betting: what about stack size?
Flatting suited connectors and low pairs with 30bb or less is a waste of money
Flat calling and 3betting: what if you are short stack?
You want to flat more broadways in order to be able to continue on most flops
Flat calling and 3betting: what if you are deep stack?
You can flat more suited connectors and suited combos and be able to let go in case you don’t improve
3betting considerations: what about position?
The earlier we act the less we 3bet because of the likelihood of facing a 4bet from behind
3betting considerations: what about in game awareness?
3betting from EP/MP with recreationals at the table is to be done with value only.
3bet bluffing versus a kind of players who will overcall wrong hands will expose us to further variance
**3betting considerations: what if you face an open from HJ/CO/BTN?
Widen your 3betting range if HJ is opening more than 25%, CO 32% and BTN 50%
3betting considerations: what if we are against a fish?
We 3bet linear including semi strong hands and we go thin for value if we reckon we have an edge
What are your thoughts on the spot: you are playing LP vs LP/MP holding a semi strong hand like QTs and you decide to 3bet.
A 3bet works better to fold out better hands and to polarize our range.
On top of that, if there is a regular sitting behind we prevent him to squeeze thus denying him the possibility to steal
What are the 3bet sizing based on stacks in play?
IP 50+BB = 3.5x
OOP 50+BB= 4x
IP 20-50 BB = 3x
OOP 20-50 BB = 3.5x
We add 1x for every player who flats preflop
SQUEEZING: what about a hand that is strong enough to squeeze as a bluff?
In low and mid stakes you should usually just call
SQUEEZING: in which spot are we squeezing wider than usual?
In the blinds versus MP/LP open and LP flat
SQUEEZING: how do we recognize a spot where we want to squeeze wider?
When a player has a high PFR stat and there is a flatter
SQUEEZING: in what circumstance we want to avoid squeezing?
When we are OOP vs recreationals and calling stations to avoid complicating our life
SQUEEZING: which hands do we want to squeeze as a bluff?
Hands as the likes of low Axs that are to weak to call but still have a decent equity against villain’s calling range.
As an example we could squeeze this hand in SB vs EP open and flat
SQUEEZING: which hands do we want to avoid squeezing?
Hands as the likes of QTs, JTs because we are often cold called and dominated
SQUEEZING: what and why is more important to have between equity and blockers against villain’s calling range when squeezing?
When do we 3bet polarized from the blinds vs LP?
When opponent is a reasoned player
**Why do we avoid polarized 3bet from the blinds vs LP if opponent is a recreational?
Against recreationals we avoid polarized 3bet because their calling tange has equity against us
OVERCALLING: what are your thoughts?
The bigger the open raise the tighter we overcall, the shorter our stack the tighter we overcall
What type of hands would you prefer squeezing multiway preflop?
AQo, AJo, low Axs, KQo, KJo type of hands that still have equity if called but that play poorly as a flat.
**Which type of hands do instead play better as a call rather than as a squeeze?
Hands like AQs, AJs, KQs, KJs, low pairs and suited connected play better as a call since they have extra equity to realize
What size do you use to iso IP vs recreational?
A smaller size will do
What kind of hands we want to avoid playing in BB multiway and why?
We don’t defend Kxo, Qxo and Jxo because most of the time we are dominated by one of the two players
**Why when facing bigger open sizes like 2.5bb/ 3bb from the SB vs LP with hands like KTs, K9s, QTs, Q9s, JTs we better 3bet rather than just call?
Because we don’t have the direct odds but a 3bet might steal the pot preflop
Playing vs 3bet &4bet: What are typical mistakes?
-4betting light vs wrong position
-Not 4bet bluffing at all
-Overplaying ATo/AJo
Which has a stronger range between BB and SB and why?
SB, he is isolating HU and his range is linear and not polarized
Which kind of hands is BB just calling but SB 3betting especially vs LP?
ATs, low Axs, KQs, KQo, KJs, KJo ecc…
Just to make you understand how the position basically determines how a hand is played
Do we need a 4betting range against everyone?
No, not against fishes and nits, we just realize our equity if we call pre
How do we exploit nits and fishes?
By overfolding, not by playing back marginal hands
The bigger oppo’s 3bet sizing?
The stronger the range, the less we defend
What’s the threshold for set mining?
40BB - we don’t set mine anymore
Is it true that the deeper the effective stacks, the less we 4bet?
Yes, we only 4bet AA and KK because risk of pot getting huge is real
**What are your thoughts on this spot: we open from EP and we face a 3bet from EP/MP: why don’t we want to defend hands as the likes of ATs, KTs, QTs?
Because we are dominated by both his value range and his bluffing range (KQs,KJs, AQo ecc)
How do we call the 3betting range of the blinds vs LPs?
Polarized range
Basic calculations: Hero open to 2.5x, Villain 3bet to 7.5x. Pot is now 2.5x + 7.5x + 1x BB, + 0.5x sb, + 0.8x ante = 12.3x.
Hero then 4bet to 18x risking extra 15.5x to win 12.3x in the pot.
How much equity does Hero need to have for this play to be profitable? Show the equation
Equation is
100 : ([4bet size - initial raise] + Pot) • (4bet size - initial raise)
Which becomes
100 : ([18 - 2.5] + 12.3) • (18 - 2.5)
Which becomes
100 : 27.8 • 15.5
Which result in 55.75, let’s round it to 56 and that’s the percentage of equity needed for the play to be profitable
Or you can simplify using the original formula for pot odds:
money at risk : (money at risk + pot size)
15.5 : (15.5 + 12.3) = 55.75%
What do we 4bet with when facing a 3bet from EP?
With value only because even his bluffs we dominate has a profitable call to our 4bet
Against who do we make auto profit by 3betting?
Against someone who folds over 60%
In which spots is it more advised to 3bet bluff and why do we need more fold equity than oppo we 3bet vs has?
Against LP, we need more fold equity because of the likelihood of a 4bet coming from behind if many players are left to act
The weaker the 3bet range, the smaller we can 4bet, what are the sizes IP & OOP?
IP 2.5x
OOP 2.8x
What percentage of the total combos do AA/KK/QQ represent?
What percentage of total combos do AA/KK/QQ/AKs/AKo represent?
2.56%, this is the top range
Let’s say we hold A5s, how does this affect the percentage of AA/KK/QQ? And what about AA/KK/QQ/AKs/AKo?
If we hold an A then AA/KK/QQ drops from 1.36% to 1.11%.
Instead AA/KK/QQ/AKs/AKo from 2.56% to 1.96%
Why is in most cases QJo a bad 4bet bluff?
Because we block his bluff and barely block his value range
What is the equation to calculate the 3betting range of a player in percentage?
Number of combos he is 3betting with:Total number of combos (1326) = x:100
So, let’s say AJo+, ATs+, 99+ KJs+, KQo+ is a total of 116.
116:1326 = x:100, this results in 8.75%
SB vs MP 3bet vs EP, which kind of hands would you cold 4bet and why?
Hands including A and K like AQo, A5s, KQo, KJs because hands like AQ, AJs, ATs, KQs are usually flatted for equity by MP vs EP so his 3bet fold range could include AQo, KTs, QJs, QTs, JTs, T9s type of hands
What is the difference between chipEV and ICM spots?
That you might be committed in chipEV having the required odds, but in ICM you should still fold
The more polarized a range is the smaller we can 4bet, why?
Because against a polarized range by 4betting we are only attacking its weakest part so no need to go too big
Why do we want to 4bet bigger against SB?
To give worst odds to a stronger range
When facing a 3bet/4bet, what do we want to have IP & OOP?
IP blockers
OOP equity because we are more likely to face a cold call from IP players
What if you face a 3bet/4bet with ~ 40X?
You fold speculative hands like set mine hands and suited connectors
Suited K hands from LP plays…
Bad as a call but perfectly as a 4bet bluff
What to consider when 4bet shoving?
- If villain’s range contains bluff and if so we can shove wider or viceversa
- How does the hand you’re 4bet shoving perform against villain’s calling range.
Eg. ATo performs poorly because we are more likely to be called by better Aces while JTs top, pairs and suited connectors performs better
How much fold equity do you need for a successful 4bet shove with ~30bb?
At least 50%, even more if ICM is involved.
This means at least half of villain’s 3betting range is made of hands he is not calling a 4bet with
Fold equity equation?
Bet size: (bet size + pot).
Eg. 25: (25+9.5) = 0.73, 73% equity required.
Può sembrarti controverso il procedimento, ma all’aumentare della size di 4bet shove il pot presente al momento della 3bet diventa più insignificante fornendo così migliori odds all’avversario.
Se 4bet shovassimo invece 18bb dopo 2bb open:
18: (18+2+6+1+0.5+0.8) = 0.63, 63% fold equity necessaria.
Fold equity required for the most common sizes to be successful?
1/3 pot = 25% fold equity required
1/2 pot = 33% fold equity required
2/3 pot = 40% fold equity required
3/4 pot = 43% fold equity required
1/1 pot = 50% fold equity required
Spot: we open KJs MP 20x and we face a 3bet from LP 25x. Why is it either a fold or a jam and never a call?
Calling with oppo’s SPR 1:1 denies us too much equity thus making the call -EV.
This means we either JAM or FOLD based on opponent
Defending, why especially as a short stack we don’t want to flat or defend A, K, Q high hands especially against EP?
Because we are often dominated
Which hands do we better defend multiway in the blinds?
Speculative hands that could hit a straight, a flush or a set.
How are we supposed to defend against different players and why?
Tighter against REG because we realize less equity and they might have edge on us
Looser against recreationals
The lower the RFI?
The tighter we defend
The higher the RFI?
The wider we defend
The earlier the OR?
The tighter we defend
The later the OR?
The wider we defend
How do we exploit an opponent with high PRF or VPIP?
We can 3bet wider or flat wider
The short stack fallacy is?
- The shorter you get, the more equity you realize
- You face less aggression as a short stack
- You can check-jam more profitably pairs, overcards, draws, gutshots and open enders
What is the difference between RAW equity and equity REALIZATION?
RAW is the equity a given hand has against a given range PRE FLOP.
REALIZATION is the equity a given hand has POST FLOP.
Eg. A9o has RAW because it kinda performs good allin pre flop but can’t continue many times post flop.
76s has REALIZATION because on most flops it’s either a 100% call or 100% fold
Equity realization explained
5/10$ cash game:
LP HERO opens K8o 25$
BB VILLAIN 3bet to 75$
HERO calls.
Pot is now 155$
Hero’s K8o has 32% equity against villain’s 3betting range, so:
Hero’s share of the pot is 32%, 51$
Villain’s share of the pot is 68%, 104$
Now, if equity realization were 100% then:
Equity share = 32%
Pot share = 51$
Pre investment = 50$
Net win = 1$
But what if equity realization drops to 80% because we face aggression?
NEW equity share = 26.3%
NEW pot share = 40,75$
Pre investment = 50$
NEW net win = -9.25$
When do you realize more equity?
IP and gainst recreationals
When do you realize less equity?
OOP and against aggressive opponents
When and why we can reach over 100% equity realization ?
When we hold hands that can win big pots like suited connectors or lower pairs because if we don’t hit the flop we will fold near 0% equity, but if we hit we can stack our opponent
What does “having more than 100% equity realization” mean?
That you make more profit than you would normally gain from your RAW equity and pot share.
High equity realization is a hand that you either hit or fold,
Low equity realization is a hand that could force you to float and cost you more blinds than its effective value
Why is equity realization the real equity of a hand?
Because it’s the equity you realize after having considered how often you will reach showdown, how often you will get bluffed and forced to fold or how often you will bluff
The stronger your hand is the more equity you will realize. Why?
Because you will reach showdown more often thus realizing all the equity
The more connected two cards are the more equity you will realize. Why?
Because you can flop more solid equity and reach showdown more often thus realizing all of it.
Eg. Straights, flush draws, open enders, gutshots or good backdoors
How often will 76s hit the flop compared to 76o and why?
76s 62.4%, 76o 55.9%.
Difference is given by flush and flush draws
How often does 87s hit the flop compared to 85s and why?
87s 62.4% while 85s 57.1%
The lack of gap in 87s makes so that the likelihood of 87s flopping a straight or an open ender in 26.2% against 18.8% for 85s
Equity realization, what about stack depth?
The higher the SPR, the more equity the IP player will realize.
The lower the SPR, the more equity the OOP player will realize.
Which stack depth are pocket pairs and suited connectors realizing more equity with?
When played deep stacked because they tend to win bigger pots, something not happening when stacks are shallow
Equity realization, what about range advantage?
The player with a stronger range tends to realize more equity since he can play aggressively even with the bottom part of his range thus forcing the opponent to fold decent hands
Equity realization, what about skills?
Considering your opponent you’ll have an idea on how your equity realization will develop.
If you know when to call, fold or raise you will realize more equity.
Mistakes in this department will lead to significant drops of equity realization.
Eg. X|R backdoor hands that play bad as a call or a fold but nicely as a X|R to make fold better hands but still having equity if called
Reshoving multiway from the blinds vs LPs, what is the strategy?
Taking into consideration OR you can exploit this tendency of the field.
If LP OR is kinda loose, you can jam profitably a really wide spectrum of hands.
Still you have to consider FLATTER type of player, but for his range to be dangerous that player’s flatting range should include hands as the likes of AJo, ATs, TT, 99, KQs ecc.
Reshoving multiway vs LPs, what are the common leaks?
- Thinking your range is going to be dominated in case you get called: you have tons of fold equity.
- Thinking too much about your stack depth instead of the EV of the play (unless heavy ICM)
- Flatting too much and not reshoving wide enough: shoving hands with weak equity realization is fine
Reshoving multiway vs LPs, what is GTO and what is EXPLOITATIVE?
GTO: 55+ A9s+, ATo+, KQo, QTs+, J9s+ while 3betting as a bluff low AXo, low KXs, K9o+
EXPLOITATIVE: 22+, A2s+, 54s+, KJo+, shoving hands we would normally just flat with.
Shoving hands rarely dominated by villain’s calling range.
Range will never be 100% accurate but if you are 100% better than population in these spots +EV is guaranteed.
You might loose some EV against a small minority of players who knows these strategies but you’re still printing EVERYTHING against the vast majority of low stakes field
Squeezing: in which situation our squeezing range has to be still relatively strong?
In case the OR is EP, even more if flatter is EP/MP
Who don’t you want to have a squeeze bluff range versus at all?
When recreationals are involved you don’t want to blow out the pot and complicate your life
Squeezing: what if you have no stats on your opponent?
We play solid accordingly to the ranges
When does the likelihood of your better hands to be paid drop down?
When you have a tight image
When does the likelihood of your better hands to be paid increase?
When you have a loose and aggressive image
Squeezing do involve more than one player and this means we need?
Info on both/all the players
Squeezing spot: a REG open and a recreational flats, why do you want to squeeze wider?
To try to isolate yourself IP against the recreational
SQUEEZING: Which players’ stats to consider?
PFR of the OR
VPIP of the flatter
The higher villain’s gap between VPIP & PFR, the wider we can bluff. Why?
Because this tell us the flatter is flatting hands he is not supposed to bluff thus giving us a better spot to squeeze bluff
SQUEEZING: what do recreationals not often consider and how can we exploit it?
That flatting speculative hands with less than
~ 30bb is -EV and we can exploit this tendency
SQUEEZING: what if villain’s VPIP/PFR gap is too wide?
He is probably a recreational and we should only go for value
What does “only going for value” mean against recreationals?
That we widen our value range but we avoid bluff squeezing, we rather just call and realize equity since they won’t be aggressive enough
SQUEEZING: what do opponents’ gap between VPIP & PFR tell us about them and how to adjust?
Vpip/pfr gap 6/8% = normal bluffing frequencies
Vpip/pfr gap 8/10% = good to overbluff
Vpip/pfr gap + 10% = likely to be a recreational, DON’T bluff
SQUEEZING: BB/SB vs EP&MP, how do we play AJo & AQo and why?
We only flat if OR is tight, otherwise they play better heads up so as a squeezd
SQUEEZING: how do we play vs tight OR and recreational flatter?
We can increase our squeezing range like adding 99, AJo and simply fold facing a 4bet since OR being tight means we are always behind
What if you are unsure with TT, JJ, AQ type of hands against a tight opponent?
You can 3bet/4bet fold them pre and see their reaction to take away any doubt
What to consider for a perfect squeeze?
- OR & flatter position
- Stack of OR & flatter
- Stats of OR & flatter
- Playability of our hand, whether it plays better as a squeeze or as a call with many players behind
- Stage of the tournament, the deeper you are the tighter everyone gets
Why does ATS tell a lot about a LP opponent flatting range?
Because it makes you understand he is opening but also flatting very wide with position advantage
SQUEEZING: Why is it good to squeeze as a deep stack?
Because 4bet then it’s not really a thing