Intro Flashcards
A 73-year-old man smoked 30 cigarettes a day over 50 years. He develops severe chest pain and breathlessness whenever he climbs stairs or walks up a hill. The pain is associated with sweating and nausea. He goes to his GP who notices that the man has cold hands, a weak irregular pulse and abnormal heart sounds.
List the symptoms and signs in this case.
Why the patient has these problems?
(pathogenesis and diagnosis)
Is the disease process likely to be congenital or acquired?
(cause and classification)
- Symptoms: Pain, sweating, nausea.
Signs: cold hands, a weak irregular pulse and abnormal heart sounds. - Myocardial infarction (ischemic heart attack).
- Acquired.
Which one of the following statements best describe the term ‘lesion’?
a) A lesion is an abnormal change in the structure of an organ
b) A lesion is always microscopic
c) A lesion is always cancerous
d) A lesion is a psychological abnormality
e) All the above four are not correct
Which one of the following statements best describe the term ‘pathogenesis’?
a) The cause of a disease
b) The mechanism through which the causative agent produce a disease
c) The secondary, systemic or remote consequences of the disease
d) The anticipated course of a disease
e) Clinical features of a disease
Which one of the following statements best describe the term ‘Syndrome’?
a) Collection of symptoms only
b) Any disease characterised by multiple abnormalities
c) It only involves Lungs
d) It is always symptomless condition
Fever is one of the most common medical signs. It is caused by
the release of ………. from leukocytes? (fill in the blank)
Which one of the following statements best describe the term ‘primary’ in the nomenclature of causation of a disease?
a) A disease without evident cause
b) It has the same meaning as essential, idiopathic or spontaneous.
c) A disease where cause is clearly known
d) a & b are correct
e) a & c are correct.
Which one of the following statements is correct for the term ‘Prevalence’?
a) It is used to describe chronic diseases
b) It is used to describe acute diseases
c) Prevalence describes, how pathogen produces a disease
d) It describe the rate of mortality in a given population
Which one of the following answers best define the term ‘epidemiology’?
a) distribution of a disease
b) control of a disease
c) causes of a disease
d) if a, b and c are correct
e) if a, b and c are incorrect
Which one of the following answers is the best example of a ‘multifactorial disease’?
a) Malaria
b) Tuberculosis
c) Diabetes
d) Flu
Which one of the following answers is correct for the highest mortality in the developed countries?
a) HIV infection
b) Ischemic heart diseases
c) Lung cancer
d) Depressive illness
Which one of the following answers best describe the word ‘complication’ of a disease?
a) Failure of adaptation
b) The secondary, systemic or remote consequences of a disease
c) Disease caused by interaction of genetic and environmental factors
d) None of the above is correct
Which one of the following answers is not the ‘complication of hypertension’?
a) Ischemic heart diseases
b) Stroke
c) Renal failure
d) Cancer of the skin
Which one of the following is not an infectious disease?
a) Tuberculosis
b) Flu
d) Cancer
Diagnosis of a disease depend upon……. (select one best answer)
a) Symptoms only
b) Signs only
c) Symptoms and signs only
d) Laboratory tests only
e) Combination of symptoms, signs and laboratory tests
Which one of the following statements best describe the term ‘prevalence’ of a disease?
a) Total number of new cases per year in a population
b) Total number of new and old cases at a particular time point in a population
c) Total number of old cases per year in a population
d) Total number of death per year in a population
Queen Victoria carried a defective gene for haemophilia, which is X-linked inherited disease. Discuss the effects for her daughters and her sons.
Sons with the defective gene on X chromosome will suffer from Haemophilia.
Daughters with the defective gene on one X chromosome will be symptomless carrier of the disease,
An adolescent presents at the clinic with complaints of pedunculated lesions projecting from the skin on his trunk and face. Select one correct answer, Which disease
manifestation is shown in this figure?
Marfan syndrome
Down syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Chromosomes carry genes, half of these genes are acquired from mother and an other half from father. These genes are paired, and if both members of the genes are identical the person is considered homozygous.
What is the person considered, if both gene pair are not identical?
Match the genetic disorders in column A with the information provided in column B
Column A ``Column B
Marfan syndrome Autosomal recessive disorder
Cystic fibrosis Autosomal dominant disorder
Haemophilia X-linked disorder disorder
Marfan syndrome - Autosomal dominant disorder
Cystic fibrosis - Autosomal recessive disorder
Haemophilia - X-linked disorder disorder
Match the genetic disorders in column A with the information provided in column B
Column A Column B
Turner syndrome 47XXY
Klinefleter’s syndrome 47, trisomy 21
Down’s Syndrome 45X
Turner syndrome - 45X
Klinefleter’s syndrome - 47XXY
Down’s Syndrome - trisomy 21
A newly described neurological disorder is found to affect multiple family members in three generation. In the first generation two sisters and one brother were affected.
In the second generation, all of the children of the first generation sisters were affected, but non of the descendants of the first-generation son. In the third generation, all the children of the affected second generation women were affected, but non of the second-generation men.
Which one mode of inheritance exemplified here?
a) autosomal dominant
b) autosomal recessive
c) mitochondrial
d) X-linked dominant
e) X linked recessive
A 2 year old child has been followed for mental retardation, slow development as well as for multiple birth defects. The child has high pitched cat-like cry.
Which one of the following karyotypic analysis would be expected to show in this case?
a) 5P-
b) 22q11-
c) 45X0
d) 46XY
e) 47XXY
A 1-year old female infant is hospitalised for pneumonia. Her mother has noted that, when she kisses her child, the child test ‘salty’. The child has had weight loss that the mother attributes to frequent vomiting and diarrhoea with bulky foul smelling fatty stools.
Which one of the following critical protein is altered in this condition?
a) Dystrophin
b) Α-1,4 –Glucosidase
c) Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
d) The sodium-Potassium Pump
The parents of an infant with heart defect ask the nurse, why their son was born with heart defect? The nurse responds that heart defect may be caused by maternal infection during pregnancy.
Which one of the following infections of a mother during pregnancy can cause heart defect in a newborn?
a) Mumps
b) Pertussis
c) Rubella
d) Measles
Fill in the blank
Someone who carries a gene responsible for a disease, but does not manifest the disease is said to be a…………….
Select a single gene disorder from the following diseases?
a) Sickle cell anaemia
b) Diabetes
c) Hypertension
d) Atherosclerosis
e) Asthma
Which one of the following is not included during viral pathogenesis?
a) Direct cytopathic effects
b) Transformation of infected cells
c) Fusion of infected cells
d) Cells start producing insulin after infection
Which one of the following organisms produces IgA proteases?
a) Streptococcus pneumoniae
b) Neisseria meningitis
c) Trypnosoma brucei
d) E. coli
Which one of the following organisms does not produce endotoxins?
a) Salmonella
b) Shigella
c) E-coli
d) Clostridium tetani
Escape mechanisms used by bacteria include all of the following except:
a) Capsule formation
b) Biofilm formation
c) Complement activation
d) antigen variation