Intro Flashcards
Military PTs have been utilizing imaging privileges since _______
List clinical environments other than the military in which PTs have imaging privileges
- Public Health Service
- Indian Health Service
- Veterans Administration Health System
- The Bureau of Prisons
- Civilian Systems
- Kaiser-Permanente Northern California
- University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
how many states include some type of direct referral for imaging? List them
- Washington DC
- Maryland
- Colorado
- New Jersey
- Utah
- North Dakota
- Wisconsin
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
Countries such as Australia, UK, Netherlands, Norway and South Africa have imaging privileges and report the following benefits:
- improved patient satisfaction
- reduction of wait time for care
- fewer surgical referrals
- decreases in cost of care
- diminished exposure (reduced with imaging without sacrificing quality of care)
T/F: PTs have been shown to have equivalent abilities as orthopedic surgeons in diagnostic accuracy of MSK conditions, and categorize pts for course of care or referral, including indications for imaging
T/F: PTs have been found to be more accurate diagnostically than non-orthopedic providers in evaluating pts with MSK conditions
list the data utilized in the ACR appropriateness criteria:
- age
- presence or absence of trauma
- presence or absence of prior surgery
- presence or absence or risk factors
- physical appearance
- findings of pain provocation or physical function tests
- other imaging results
- inability or ability to weight bear
- tenderness to palpation
describe the Canadian C-Spine Rules
list the 5 criteria in the NEXUS Low Risk Rule
- No midline cervical tenderness
- No focal neurologic deficit
- Normal alertness
- No intoxication
- No painful, distracting injury
List the components of the Ottawa Knee Rules
a knee x-ray series is only required for knee injury pts with any of these findings:
- age 55 or older
- isolated tenderness of patella (no bone tenderness of knee other than patella)
- tenderness to head of fibula
- inability to flex 90
- inability to bear weight both immediately and in the ER for 4 steps (unable to transfer weight twice onto each lower limb regardless of limping)
any of these criteria
according to the Ottawa Ankle rules, an ankle x-ray s only required if there is pain in malleolar zone and any of these findings:
- bone tenderness at zone A or B
- inability to bear weight both immediately and in the ER for 4 steps
according to the Ottawa Ankle rules, a foot x-ray is only required if there is any pain in midfoot zone and any of these findings:
- bone tenderness at point C or D
- inability to bear weight both immediately and in ED for 4 steps