Intravenous Anesthetics Flashcards
Propofol is rapidly metabolized in the liver through … reactions. The inactive water-soluble metabolites are excreted through the kidneys. Certain propofol metabolites occasionally color the urine…
phase I (oxidation by cytochrome P450 enzymes) and phase II (mainly glucuronidation)
The … are major contributors of propofol’s metabolization and together account for 40% of plasma propofol clearance
kidney, small intestine, and lungs
Mechanism of action of propofol
The major mechanism of action of propofol is through increasing the flow of inhibitory chloride current through GABAARs. Propofol binds nonselectively to multiple sites within the transmembrane domain of the receptor. Some binding sites are shared with etomidate and others with barbiturates. These sites are distinct from the GABA and benzodiazepine binding sites on the GABAAR extracellular domains. Propofol both directly activates the GABAAR and potentiates activation of the channel by endogenous GABA.
Mechanism of action of propofol
The major mechanism of action of propofol is through increasing the flow of inhibitory chloride current through GABAARs. Propofol binds nonselectively to multiple sites within the transmembrane domain of the receptor. Some binding sites are shared with etomidate and others with barbiturates. These sites are distinct from the GABA and benzodiazepine binding sites on the GABAAR extracellular domains. Propofol both directly activates the GABAAR and potentiates activation of the channel by endogenous GABA.
Effects of propofol in the airway
Propofol increases upper airway collapsibility by inhibiting oropharyngeal muscles, including the genioglossus (the major tongue muscle). Consequently, upper airway obstruction frequently
occurs with sedative doses or during emergence from propofol anesthesia.
Propofol suppresses upper airway reflexes to a greater extent than other IV anesthetics, making it well suited for supraglottic airway placement or upper endoscopy procedures. Propofol also inhibits lower airway irritability and reduces the incidence of bron- choconstriction after tracheal intubation as compared with thiopental or etomidate
Risk factors of propofol-related infusion syndrome
- High dosage and prolonged infusion (One must not give propofol for more than 48 hours or at a dose greater than 4 mg/kg/hour)
- Critical illness
- Elevated glucocorticoids or steroid therapy
- Dearth of carbohydrates
- Inborn errors of metabolism (especially mitocondrial)
- Young age (< 3)
- Excess lipids
- Elevated catecholamines
Pathophysiology of propofol-related infusion syndrome
The mechanism responsible for PRIS remains controversial. Propofol hinders the uptake and usage of FFAs and mitochondrial activity at molecular and cellular levels. The poor balance between energy requirement and consumption is a fundamental pathogenetic process that can cause cardiac and perivascular muscle damage . One of the prevailing theories posits that propofol impairs the electron transport chain or the respiratory chain function, which in turn leads to the collapse of the body’s metabolic activities. According to various theories, propofol decouples oxidative phosphorylation and obstructs the flow of electrons in the electron transport chain running through the inner-mitochondrial membrane
Clinical presentation of propofol-related infusion syndrome
- The several cardiovascular manifestations are as follows: right bundle branch block, hypotension, brugada-like syndrome ECG presentation (elevated ST segment and widening of QRS complex), ventricular tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmia, supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, cardiogenic shock and asystole
- Metabolic acidosis, lactic acidosis, hyperkalaemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperthermia
- Hepatomegaly; steatosis; elevated liver enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT); hyperlipidaemia; hypertriglyceridemia; and liver failure
- Acute kidney injury and renal failure
- Extreme lysis of myocytes in the entire musculoskeletal system, rhabdomyolysis
How to avoid the pain caused by propofol infusion?
(1) premedication with a small dose of opioid and
(2) IV lidocaine injection (up to 1.5 mg/kg) through the same IV, with or without proximal venous occlusion, are effective to reduce pain. Lidocaine may be administered alone or as an admixture with propofol
When combined with nitrous oxide or opioids, the therapeutic plasma propofol concentration for maintenance of anesthesia normally ranges between…
This typically requires a continuous infusion rate between …
2 and 8 μg/mL
100 and 200 μg/kg/min
Subanesthetic bolus doses of propofol or a subanesthetic infusion can be used to treat postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) (…mg)
10 to 20 mg IV or 10 to 20 μg/kg/min as an infusion
pH of thiopental and methoxihetal solutions and it’s consequences
After reconstitution with water or normal saline, the solutions (2.5% thiopental and 1% methohexital) are alkaline, with a pH higher than 10. Although this property prevents bacterial growth and helps increase the shelf life of the solution after reconstitution, it will lead to precipitation when mixed with acidic drug preparations such as neuromuscular blockers. These precipitates can irreversibly block IV delivery lines if mixing occurs during administration. Furthermore, accidental injection into an artery or infiltration into subcutaneous tissue will cause extreme pain and may lead to severe tissue injury
Describe barbiturates metabolism
Most barbiturates undergo hepatic metabolism. The most important phase I reaction is oxidation; the result- ing metabolites are inactive and excreted in the urine (directly) or in the bile (after conjugation)
Barbiturates should be avoided in patients with which disease?
Through stimulation of aminolevulinic acid synthetase, the production of porphyrins is increased. Therefore barbiturates should not be administered to patients with acute intermittent porphyria
Unlike other IV anesthetics that bind in the GABAAR… domain, benzodiazepines bind in the… domain
GABAARs that respond to benzodiazepines occur almost exclusively on…, with the greatest density found in the…
This anatomic distribution explains the minimal effects of benzodiazepines outside the CNS
postsynaptic nerve endings in the CNS
cerebral cortex
The primary metabolic pathway for midazolam and diazepam is… by…, a process susceptible to factors such as age, liver disease, and interaction with drugs that modulate the efficiency of the enzyme systems.
Midazolam is selectively metabolized to a single dominant metabolite,…, which has some sedative effects but undergoes rapid glucuronidation and clearance. This metabolite does not cause significant sedation in patients with normal hepatic and renal function unless midazolam is given as a prolonged infusion.
The long elimination half-time of diazepam explains the prolonged CNS effects, especially in elderly patients. In contrast, lorazepam is one of the few benzodiazepines that does not undergo oxidative metabolism and is excreted after a single step conjugation to…
hepatic cytochrome P450 3A4
glucuronic acid
Benzodiazepines effects in the CNS
The most important effects are the sedative-hypnotic and amnestic properties (anterograde, but not retrograde). In addition, benzodiazepines are anticonvulsants used to treat seizures. Muscle relaxation is mediated through the spinal cord and may require larger doses.
Like propofol and barbiturates, benzodiazepines decrease CMRO2 and CBF, but to a lesser extent. How- ever, midazolam is unable to produce an isoelectric EEG even at high doses, thus emphasizing that there is a ceil- ing effect on CMRO2 reduction. Patients with decreased intracranial compliance demonstrate little or no change in ICP after the administration of midazolam. Benzodiazepines have not been shown to possess neuroprotective properties
Particularities of parenteral administration of benzodiazepines
Pain during IV injection and subsequent thrombophlebitis are most pronounced with diazepam. Propylene glycol, the organic solvent required to dissolve diazepam and lorazepam, is most likely responsible for pain during IM or IV adminis- tration and for the unpredictable absorption after IM injection. Midazolam is water soluble in the low pH formulation, which obviates the need for an organic solvent and decreases the likelihood of pain during injection or erratic absorption
Clinical Scenarios for Potential Ketamine Use
- Sedation for painful procedures
• Infusion for analgesia, especially with opioid-tolerant
patients or those with anticipated difficult pain
• Intramuscular induction for uncooperative patients
• IV induction while maintaining spontaneous respiration
and hemodynamics
• IV rapid-sequence induction to maintain hemodynamics
Mechanisms of action of ketamine
the major anesthetic effect is produced through noncompetitive inhibition of the NMDA receptor complex
Ketamine conventionally exists as a racemic mixture, with the … form being more potent than the …enantiomer. More recently, the … enantiomer–only formulation, appropriately named …, was approved by the FDA for major depression treatment
Describe the metabolism of ketamine
Metabolism occurs primarily in the liver and involves N-demethylation by the cytochrome P450 system. Norketamine, the primary active metabolite, is less potent (one-third to one- fifth the potency of ketamine) and is subsequently further metabolized and excreted in urine
What is the relation between ketamine and seizures?
At low doses, ketamine may facilitate seizures; however, at anesthetic doses, it is considered an anticonvulsant and may be considered for treatment of status epilepticus when more conventional drugs are ineffective.
Ketamine is a direct myocardial depressant
T or F
Ketamine is a direct myocardial depressant, but this property is usually masked by its stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. However, hypotension can develop in critically ill patients with limited ability to increase their sympathetic nervous system activity or patients with limited cardiovascular reserve
How does ketamine affects the upper airway?
The ability to protect the upper airway in the presence of ketamine cannot be assumed despite the presence of active airway reflexes and maintenance of pharyngeal muscle tone. Frequently, lacrimation and salivation are increased, and premedication with an anticholinergic drug may be required to limit this effect. Especially in children the risk for laryngospasm may be increased because of excess salivation.
IV and IM doses of ketamine for anesthesia induction
Induction of anesthesia can be achieved with ketamine, 1 to 2 mg/kg IV or 4 to 6 mg/kg IM
Ketamine cannot be mixed with propofol in the same syringe
T or F
Ketamine can be mixed in the same syringe as propofol (“ketofol”) for procedural sedation to provide significant analgesia and to minimize the need for supplemental opioids. For example, a final ketamine concentration of 1 to 2 mg/mL in propofol can be given as a sedative infusion at a rate based on propofol dosing and titrated by the anesthesia provider to effect
Ketamine doses for analgesia
Small bolus doses of ketamine (0.2 to 0.8 mg/kg IV) can provide effective analgesia without compromise of the airway (e.g., cesarean section under neuraxial anes- thesia when the regional block becomes insufficient).
An infusion of a subanesthestic dose of ketamine (3 to 5 μg/kg/min) during general anesthesia and in the early postoperative period may be useful to produce analgesia or reduce opioid tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia, although not all studies examining the use of ketamine as an adjunct show the desired improvement in pain scores and recovery.
Moderate-quality evidence supports the use of moderate dose ketamine infusions (80 mg infused over 2 hours) to improve pain from com- plex regional pain syndrome.
Analgesic outcomes for other refractory pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, headaches, and phantom limb pain remain controversial. Nevertheless, ketamine infusions continue to be safely administered for these difficult-to-treat conditions
Etomidate metabolism
Metabolism is primarily hepatic by ester hydrolysis to inactive metabolites, which are then excreted in urine and bile
CNS effect of etomidate
Etomidate reduces CMRO2 and is, in parallel, also a potent direct cerebral vasoconstrictor resulting in decreased CBF and ICP. Despite its reduction of CMRO2, etomidate showed mixed neuroprotection results in animal studies, and human studies are lacking. Excitatory spikes on the EEG are more frequent after etomidate than from thiopental. Similar to methohexital, etomidate may activate seizure foci, manifested as fast activity on the EEG. Etomidate can be used in ECT to facilitate longer motor seizure activity
Effects of etomidate in the endocrine system
Etomidate causes adrenocortical suppression by produc- ing a dose-dependent inhibition of 11β-hydroxylase, an enzyme necessary for the conversion of cholesterol to cortisol. This suppression lasts at least 4 to 8 hours after a single induction dose of etomidate, and rela- tive adrenal insufficiency may last up to 24 to 48 hours
Movements effects that may be present after etomidate administration
Involuntary myoclonic movements are common from the transient imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory signaling in the thalamocortical tract and are not reflective of seizures. Myoclonus may be masked by the concomitant administration of neuromuscular blocking agents, ben- zodiazepines, and/or opioids. Awakening after a single IV dose of etomidate is rapid, with little evidence of any residual depressant effects
Dexmedetomidine metabolism
Dexmedetomidine is water soluble and undergoes rapid hepatic metabolism involving N-methylation, hydroxylation, and conjugation. Inactive metabolites are excreted through urine and bile
Dexmedetomidine effects in the CNS
Hypnosis presumably results from stimulation of α2-receptors in the locus ceruleus, and the analgesic effect originates at the level of the spinal cord. The sedative effect produced by dexmedetomidine has a different quality than that of other IV anesthetics: it more resembles a physiologic sleep state through activation of endogenous sleep pathways.
Dexmedetomidine decreases CBF without significant changes in ICP and CMRO2.
Tolerance and dependence can develop, and patients can exhibit withdrawal symptoms upon cessation of a prolonged infusion of dexmedetomidine. Although changes in the EEG do occur, spikes from seizure foci are not suppressed, making dexmedetomidine a useful drug for epilepsy surgery
Dexmedetomidine effects in the immune system
Dexmedetomidine is capable of blunting the surgical stress response comparable to epidural anesthesia.
Dexmedetomidine infusion inhibits the release of epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and other proinflammatory factors in the blood. These antiinflammatory effects may play a part in the possible renal, myocardial, and cognitive protective effects of dexmedetomidine
Dexmedetomidine infusion dose
0.5 to 1 μg/kg IV initial dose over a period of 10 to 15 minutes, followed by an infusion of 0.2 to 0.7 μg/kg/hr