Intrapartum and Postpartum Care & Complications Flashcards
Labor = _____
a sequence of uterine
contractions that thins and
dilates the cervix, plus voluntary
pushing that expels the fetus
from the vagina
settling of the fetal head into the brim of the pelvis
What are Braxton Hicks Contractions?
Irregular, generally painless contractions, slowly increase in frequency (as frequent as q10-20 min)
○ approx last 4-8 wks of pregnancy
○ Distinguish from true labor
What physiologic things must happen prior to the onset of labor?
● Lightening
● Braxton Hicks Contractions
● Cervix starts to soften, efface, dilate
● Mucus plug is released
● Bloody Show
First stage of normal labor
– Interval between onset of labor and
full cervical dilation. Divided between Latent and
Active phase. ■ Primipara = 6-18 hours ■ Multiparous = 2-10 hours
Second stage of normal labor
Interval between full cervical
dilation and delivery of the infant ■ Primipara = 30 min - 3 hours ■ Multipara = 5-30 minutes
Third stage of normal labor
period between the delivery of the
infant and the delivery of the placenta ■ 0-30 minutes
What phase is the Slow cervical change, ~0-6 cm
Latent phase
What position is discouraged in stage 1 of labor?
● Ambulation can be helpful, Supine position discouraged
What is being monitored in stage 1 of labor?
● Maternal pulse and BP (Q2-4h)
● Fetal heart rate
● Uterine contractions Q30 min (continuously if high risk)
● Cervical checks Q2hrs in active phase: effacement, dilation, fetal head position
● Multiple methods utilized to tolerate pain: Lamaze, Bradley, hypnotherapy, prenatal yoga etc…
Fetal monitoring
● Auscultate heart rate or electronic fetal heart tracing
● Intermittent okay if low risk, continuous if high risk
(hypertension, preeclampsia, intrauterine fetal growth
restriction, diabetes, multiple gestations, etc)
● Q30 min in active phase (increase to Q15 min in second
stage of labor)
Uterine contractions monitoring
● Palpate abdomen Q30 minutes to assess contraction frequency, duration, and intensity
● Continuous monitoring if at-risk pregnancy: external tocodynamometor or internal pressure
catheter (requires ruptured membranes)
Cervical checks
● Monitors the progress of labor
● Q2hrs starting during active phase
● Dilation, effacement, position, consistency
● Station and position of fetal head
● Check for prolapsed cord if membranes have ruptured
therapeutic rupture of amniotic membranes
When should an amniotomy be done?
● Should not be used routinely!
● No benefit for normally progressing labor and increases risk of infection
or cord prolapse.
● Only use when:
○ Internal fetal or uterine monitoring is required
○ to ↑↑ uterine contractions
What is happening in Stage 2 of labor
● Full cervical dilation (10cm) → Delivery of
● Mother feels desire to bear down with each contraction
● ↑↑ abdominal pressure
● ↑↑ force of uterine contractions
● Labor progress measured by position of fetal head in relation to ischial spine
● Fetal head crowning = delivery is imminent
Mechanisms of Labor or Cardinal
Movements of Labor
○ Engagement
○ Descent
○ Flexion
○ Internal Rotation
○ Extension
○ External Rotation (restitution)
○ Expulsion
● Fetal head shifts down through the pelvic inlet
● Late in pregnancy (last 2 weeks)
● Head enters the occiput transverse position in 70%
● Progressive descent until baby is
● Nulliparous: Engagement prior to
onset of labor, further descent w/
2nd stage of labor
● Multiparous: Descent usually begins
w/ engagement
● Chin is pushed towards the chest when descending head meets resistance
● Allows smallest head diameter to progress
Internal Rotation
● Occiput rotates anteriorly
(baby’s face toward mother’s
● Neck extends to bring the base of the
occiput into direct contact w/ the
inferior margin of the symphysis pubis
● Once head is delivered, check to see if
umbilical cord is around the neck (if
so, slip it over the head)
External Rotation
● Follows delivery of the head
● Head returns to transverse position
● Baby’s shoulders align w/ anteroposterior
diameter of pelvic outlet
● One shoulder is anterior behind pubic
symphysis, , and the other is posterior
● Deliver anterior shoulder (gentle downward
traction on the head)
● Deliver posterior shoulder (by gentle upward
traction on the head)
● After delivery of the shoulders, the rest of the
body quickly passes