Intracellular protein trafficking Flashcards
What are the two types of sorting signal?
Where are nuclear proteins synthesised?
What is a nuclear pore?
BY protein size, how can proteins travel through the nuclear pore?
How do folded proteins with a signal sequence enter the nucleus? 3 steps
What kind of protein is a receptor?
How does a protein exit the nucleus? 2 steps
Why is the nuclear export sequence less defined?
Signal sequence - amino acids at end of polypeptide chain
Signal patch - amino acids separate until protein folds into 3D structure
Complex made up of nucleoporins which allows protein to pass through into the nucleus - aqueous pores
Small <5kDa can diffuse, 5-60 kDa diffuse but slower, >60 kDa need active transport
- Importin protein recognises signal sequence on protein & binds to it
- Importin recognises FG repeats (binding site for receptor) on the nucleoporins & binds
- Importin & cargo taken into nucleus
- Ran-GTP binds to importin - displacing protein & allows for importin to return to cytosol
Cytosolic soluble protein
- Protein recognised by exportin-Ran-GTP & binds to signal sequence (string of leucine residues)
- Exportin interacts with FG repeats on nucleoporins - bringing protein out of nucleus
- Ran-GTP hydrolysed by Ran-GEF allowing ternary complex to dissociate & for exportin to re-enter the nucleus
String of lysine residues
What molecule drives directional transport through nuclear pores?
What are the 4 steps of nuclear import?
What are the 4 steps of nuclear export?
What are the concentrations of Ran-GDP/GTP in which areas of the cell and why?
What kind of import is this?
Of what family does the receptor belong to?
- Importin recognises signal sequence & binds to protein forming cargo-protein complex
- Complex enters nucleus through interaction with FG repeats on nucleoporins
- Ran-GTP in nucleus binds to importin to displace cargo protein
- Importin with Ran-GTP taken out through nucleoporin to release importin back in cytosol (where it is hydrolysed in the cytosol back to GDP)
Exportin recognises signal sequence of protein & binds to it with Ran-GTP (tertiary complex)
2. Complex exits the nucleus via interaction with FG repeats on nucleoporins
3. Ran-GTP is hydrolysed by Ran-GEF into Ran-GDP & protein dissociates from complex
4. Exportin moves back into nucleus for further rounds
High conc Ran-GTP in nucleus to export cargo out into the cytosol. High conc Ran-GDP in cytosol
Post-translational: proteins folded before import
What is an example of a typical mitochondrial targeting sequence?
Where does translocation occur in mitochondria?
What is the key difference between the state of the protein prior to mitochondria import compared to nuclear import?
What maintains this state?
What are the steps of protein import into the mitochondrial matrix - 5 steps?
What is ATP hydrolysis required for?
Amphiphatic alpha helix
Between specific sites where inner & outer membrane are close together
Protein is unfolded
Cystolic chaperones & hydrolysis of ATP
- Signal sequence on protein interacts with receptor TOM complex
- Protein threaded through TOM complex
- Signal sequence recognised by TIM23 complex & translocates through inner membrane into matrix
- Signal sequence cleaved by signal peptidase
- Protein folds into final 3D structure
Maintain unfolded
Pull through TIM23 complex (with use of chaperones)
What is required for transport across the TIM23 complex?
How does a redox potential influence the protein after transport through TOM complex in intermembrane space?
How do proteins insert into the outer mitochondrial membrane? 4 steps
How do proteins insert into the inner membrane? 3 steps
Membrane potential
Interacts with Mia40 protein in intermembrane space & allow formation of disulphide bonds - allow fold protein in intermembrane space so cannot go through TIM23 complex - nothing to do with reduction (breaks)
- Protein translocates through TOM complex
- Bound by chaperones in IMS
- Inserted into SAM complex (outer membrane) & translocates through until reach hydrophobic area (interactions between protein & hydrophobic tails of membrane space) such that the protein is stuck in the membrane
- Build up multi-span of membrane proteins
Protein translocated through TOM & into TIM 23 complexes
Signal sequence cleaved in matrix space to reveal hydrophobic region of protein whilst still in TIM23 complex
Protein moves sideways into inner membrane
How does a protein with an internal signal sequence become an inner membrane protein? 3 steps
How does a protein synthesised in the mitochondrial matrix become an inner membrane protein? 2 steps
How does a protein become an inner membrane protein from outside the mitochondria using the OXA complex? 3 steps
- Protein translocates through TOM & is bound by chaperones
- Internal sequence allows insertion of protein into TIM22 complex using membrane potential as an energy source
- Protein moves sideways to form inner membrane protein
Protein inserts into OXA complex from the matrix
2. Hydrophobic region on protein becomes stuck in OXA complex & moves sideways to form inner membrane protein
Protein enters through TOM & TIM23 so signal sequence is cleaved in matrix
2. Signal cleavage causes exposure of 2nd signal sequence - which inserts into OXA complex
3. Hydrophobicity imbeds into inner membrane & moves sideways to become inner membrane protein
What are the differences between receptors for nuclear & mitochondrial import?
Receptors are proteins - but what is the 1 exception?
What is a protein without a signal sequence?
What does a typical ER signal sequence look like?
Nuclear = soluble
Mitochondrial = membrane
has 1+ positively charged amino acids followed by a stretch of 6-12 hydrophobic acids followed by signal peptidase cleavage sequence after entered into lumen of ER
For ER protein import, in what state is the protein?
What are the steps for the protein import into the ER? 4 steps
What is it powered by?
What is SRP made up of?
What is the cycle of ribosomes?
What feature does the signal sequence have?
Nascent protein/polypeptide chain being synthesised from the ribosome in the cytosol
- N-terminus of nascent protein is recognised by SRP which binds to the signal sequence & the ribosome pausing translation
- Complex is translocated to ER membrane where SRP interacts with SRP receptor
- Signal sequence is transferred from SRP receptor to Sec61 complex so polypeptide directly synthesised into the ER
- SRP & SRP receptor dissociate & recycled
GTP hydrolysis
6 proteins & 1 small RNA molecule
Ribosomal subunits & components constantly cycled either stay in cytosol or recruited to ER membrane
What are the steps for the translocation of a soluble protein into the ER lumen? 4 steps
What happens to the cleaved signal sequence?
- Protein bound by SRP & ribosome & binds to SRP receptor through its signal sequence
- Protein synthesised into ER lumen via Sec61 complex
- Signal sequence cleaved off in lumen by signal peptidase if contains signal peptidase sequence
- Mature polypeptide folded in ER lumen by chaperones
Hydrophobic so remains in membrane until degraded
How does a transmembrane polypeptide enter the ER lumen? 4 steps
What are the 2 types of transmembrane protein?
- Hydrophobic region of membrane acts as the signal sequence & is inserted through Sec61 complex by SRP & SRP receptor
- Hydrophobic region remains in the membrane
- Depending on the orientation of how the peptide enters the translocater, end up with type 1 or type 2 transmembrane protein
- Protein moves sideways in membrane to build up multi spanning region
1 = C-terminus in cytosol
2 = N-terminus in cytosol
How is a protein firstly glycosylated (core/N-linked) into ER on synthesis/entry? 3 steps
What is protein glycosylation used for? 4
- Oligosaccharyl transferase (ER membrane protein) interacts with Sec61 & ribosome
- OT recognises asparagine residues N-X-S/T on peptide entry into ER
- Transfers lipid-linked oligosaccharide to the asparagine side chain
Tag/marking protein folding - if protein spent time in ER it is misfolded so recognised for degradation
2. Make proteins resistant to proteases
3. Protection against pathogens - cell signalling
4. transport signal
What are the features of the SRP pathway? 4
How is the Sec62/63 pathway different with components required?
How does the protein need to be in this pathway?
What are the differences between this and the mitochondrial import?
What are the features of the TRC40 pathway? (hint think opposite to SRP)
(SRP, SRP Receptor & Sec61) Co-translational, N-terminal signal sequence, GTP & SRP dependent
All of above but: ATP dependent, can be co or post-translational, requires SEC complex translocator & BiP ATPase
Protein needs to be unfolded in cytosol if post-translational & pulled through SEC complex by BiP ATPase
ER is single membrane/mitochondria is double, and requires different translocator (TOM/TIM vs SEC)
SRP independent, requires C-terminal domain or glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor, post-translation BUT ATP-dependent (like Sec62/63)
What happens inside the ER regarding the imported peptides?
What else do both of these do?
What is the ER site for? How come?
What is ERAD? What does it do?
Glycosylated & helped to fold by chaperones
Mark proteins for degradation
Formation of disulphide bonds to stabilise tertiary & quarternary structures of proteins - lumen is oxidising environment whereas cytosol reducing
ER associated degradation - system to mark proteins as misfolded if they remain in the ER longer than they should
In 5 steps, how does ERAD recognise & degrade misfolded proteins in the ER?
- Lectin recognises sugar on protein marked by glycosylation
- Protein translocator complex threads protein out of ER lumen into cytosol
- Protein recognised by ubiquitin ligase complex in cytosol & ubiquitin added in form of polyubiquitin chain using ATP
- Sugar removed from protein with N-glycanase
- Protein recognised & degraded proteasome - but ubiquitin removed prior to degradation for reuse
What is the transfection method to studying protein translocation across membrane?
What is the problem?
What happens if there is no signal?
What is the biochemical approach method to studying protein translocation across membrane?
What is the genetic approach method to studying protein translocation across membrane?
Adding amino acids/signal sequences to the a terminus of cDNA encoding GFP to observe where it goes
Putting signal sequence at wrong terminus
Cytosolic protein
Seeing whether a protein with co-purify from an organelle e.g if protein is concentrated in the ER then can you purify it from the ER?
Use yeast as a model organism as used to look at protein trafficking in studies & observe - easy to grow, cheap, exist in haploid (1 copy each gene)
If ER is the starting place for protein trafficking, what happens to the proteins after glycosylation & folding?
What signals can tell protein destination from the ER?
How can a protein move to other organelles via vesicular transport?
Direct fusion is a way of transport of proteins without requiring vesicles- how does it do this & what is an example?
Enter different pathways via golgi, endosomes, lysosomes, secretory vesicles & plasma membrane etc
Amino acid sequences & protein modifications
Budding of protein into vesicle from donor compartment to target compartment where the vesicle fuses
Donor compartment & target compartment content mix (kiss & run) and then fuse to form hybrid organelle with a content exchange. Late endosome to lysosome