Intoxication Flashcards
Type of defence
Mental capacity defence
Voluntary means
Opted into the state
D Didn’t choose the state
Voluntary specific intent crime
Yes- drunk intention is still intention, Dutch courage in AG v Ghallegar
No- no MR-> not guilty, DPP v Beard
Voluntary basic intent crime
Did d realise the risk and got intoxicated anyway
Yes- d is reckless to committing the crime, DPP v Masjewk
No- not reckless, R v Harris mental disorder caused by intoxication
Involuntary, despite then being in that state was it something they turkey intended to do
Yes- guilty, even if resistance was there, R v Kingston pedophellic urges
No- no intent= not guilty
Intoxicated mistake- relates to the MR
R v Lipman- reckless into taking LSD and committing murder even though he didn’t intend to kill his girlfriend
Intoxicated mistake- relates to some other aspect
R v O’Grady- d hit him over the head with an ash tray went to sleep and woke to find him dead. Convinced of MA
R v Hatton- found dead with a sledge hammer