Into the Wild 01 Flashcards
HITCHHIKE [‘hɪʧhaɪk]
путешествовать автостопом
A young man hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness.
RAGGED [‘rægɪd]
оборванный, одетый в лохмотья (о человеке)
Two ragged children stood outside the station, begging for money.
ragged margin of the society
HAUNT [hɔːnt]
мучить; не давать покоя (о мыслях и т. п.) ; назойливо звучать в ушах (о мелодии и т. п.)
I was haunted by particulars of boy’s starvation and unsettling parallels between events in his life and those in my own.
CONVOLUTED [‘kɔnvəluːtɪd]
извилистый; витой, кручёный
a very convoluted path
запутанный, сложный
Her book is full of long, convoluted sentences
PEREGRINATION [ˌperɪgrɪ’neɪʃ(ə)n]
путешествие, странствие
a long journey in which you travel to various different places, especially on foot
MEANDER [mɪ’ændə]
извилина (дороги, реки; лабиринта)
CAPTIVATE [‘kæptɪveɪt]
очаровывать, пленять, покорять, увлекать
He was captivated by the writing of Leo Tolstoy
IMPARTIAL [ɪm’pɑːʃ(ə)l]
беспристрастный, справедливый
A trial must be fair and impartial.
задеть за живое
His story struck a personal note
DESTITUTE [‘destɪtjuːt]
очень бедный, сильно нуждающийся
Destitution has become a major problem in the capital.
BLUNDER [‘blʌndə]
грубая ошибка; промах, просчёт
insignificant blunder
I made a bit of a blunder by getting his name wrong.
PIVOTAL [‘pɪvət(ə)l]
базисный, главнейший, центральный
His innocent mistakes turned out to be pivotal and irreversible
a pivotal figure/role/idea
DIVERGENT [daɪ’vɜːʤənt]
They hold widely divergent opinions on….
Sharply divergent points of view
FULMINATE [‘fulmɪneɪt]
резко обвинять, осуждать (кого-л.)
Many people fulminated that he was a reckless idiot.
He fulminated against the government
AFFLUENT [‘æfluənt]
состоятельный; зажиточный;
He had grown up in an affluent suburb of Washington.
RENUNCIATION [rɪˌnʌn(t)sɪ’eɪʃ(ə)n]
отречение, отказ
the renunciation of violence