Intestinal Pathology Flashcards
Surgical tx for IBD
Common for Crohn but NOT UC
Any part of GI tract
Thickened wall
String sign on -ray
Limited to colon (backwash ileitis)
Rectal involvement
Broad-based ulcers with pseudopolyps
Severe mucosal inflammation with crypt abscesses
Sensitive to gluten
T cell mediated chronic inflammatory rxn with AI component
Impaired nutrient absopriton
Iron def anemia is most common in adults
Whipple dz
Rod shaped bacteria within lymphoid tissues
Tropheryma whippeli
Mostly middle aged white males
PAS pos, diastase resistant
Bacilliform bodies on EM
Ischemic bowel dz
Trnasmural - major mesenteric vessels…sudden and severe pain
Mural and mucosal - hypoperfusion…IM and nonspecific ab complaints with bloody diarrhea
From arterial obstruction (severe athersclerosis)
Intestinal hypoperfusion
Ischemic bowel dz locations
Colon - splenic flexure b/t mesenteric arteries
Pesudomembrane colitis
Acute, inlam from C. dif
Volcano or mushroom like
Hx of recent AB use
Collagenous colitis
Middle-aged and older female
Chronic watery diarrhea
Normal colonoscopy
Thickened subepithelial collagen layer
Hemorrhagic E. coli colitis
Most common infectious bloody diarrhea cause in US
Inadequately cooked hmaburder
Right colon is most common
Hyperplastic polyp
Rectosigmoid area
Sawtoth on surface
Juvenile polyp
Sporadic or JPS
Under 5 y/o
Hamartomatous polyp
Localized overgrowth of normal gladns and smooth muscle
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Tubular adenoma
Pseudostratification with enlarged nucelli and hyperchoromasia
Most common
Villous adenoma
No stalk and finger like projections