Intestacy Flashcards
Taxation of deceased estate
Any interest / dividend receive by estate is taxable
No personal allowance/no psa or dividend allowance
Interest charged at 20%| dividend 7.5%
If death occurred after 6/4/18 deceased isa can be designated as continuing isa for tax status
CGT charged at 20%|28% but can use deceased exemption for 2 years after death
Probate process
Deceased left a Will, executors appointed
Executors identity and value deceased assets and liabilities
Submit an IHT return to HMRC and pay any liability
Applie for grant of probate - probate registry office
Executors take control of the assets and pay off any debts
Prepare accounts and pay residue of estate to beneficiaries
Mental capacity test
Can individual understand the information
Can individual use that information
Can an individual retain the information to make a decision
If one test failed the individual does not have mental capacity to make decision