Intestacy Flashcards
What is a striving spouse
must be legally married to the decedent at the time of death and must also survive the dependent by 120 hours to take by intestacy.
What is a community property share
At death, the surfing spouse is entitled to 1/2 of the CP. The serving spouse of an intestate decedent is also entitled to the decent 1/2 CP and quasi-CP.
What SP share may a serving spouse have upon supposes death?
this depends o the serving lineal descendants.
- no serving realties 100%
- if there is one serving relative of the d, the serving spouse gets 1/2 of the decedents SP the other surviving relative gets 1/2
- it there are two or more serving relatives, the serving spouse gets 1/3 of the decedents SP and the other relatives get 2/3 split equally
What is an issue?
Refers to lineal descendants of the tester, including children, grand children and great GC.
How does an estate calculate she per capita with representation
if the serving issues are all equal degree of kinship the property passes equally to each persons
How does an estate calculate shares per capital with rep
If the serving issue are not of equal kinship, the property is divided at the first generation in which at least one member services the decedent. . The shares that would go to the member that predeceased the decedent would go to hi/her issue