INTERWAR Flashcards
Revise the interwar period
Article X
Clause in the covenant of the LON. Members promised to use their powers to resist aggression. USA refused to join mainly based on this.
Treaty of Rapallo
Signed 1922 b/w. Weimar Germany and Leninist Russia. Treaty of mutual assistance. Allowed Ger. to develop weapons in violation of TOV.
JM Keynes
Prominent British economist who wrote a book condemning the TOV. Felt it was going to hinder European prosperity.
Carthaginian Peace
Extremely harsh treaty designed to permanently eliminate them as a future threat. Ger. felt the TOV was an example of this.
30 million
Number of people who ended up as ethnic minorities in countries after WW1. Seed of future conflict.
Polish corridor
Strip of territory previously German given to Poland after WW1 to allow access to the sea. Source of much bitterness to Germans.
Little Entente, 1921
Alliance of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania to safeguard new independence from other central European states. Sign of trouble to come.
Ruhr crisis, 1923
Area of Germany occupied by France and Belgium in 1923 in order to seize goods as reparation payments.
Dawes Plan, 1923
Economic plan involving the USA lending money to Germany to rebuild her industry and pay reparations to UK and Fr. Short term success as gave Ger. cash but was based on short-term loans. Problem after 1929 crash.
Mandate system
Countries previously held as colonies now were going to be administered as mandates by the LON. Many (USA) saw it as empire building with a friendly face.
US policy to withdraw from global affairs. Weakened the LON.
Anglo-American guarantee
A proposed treaty after WW1 in which the USA and UK would defend Fr. against Ger. aggression. Not ratified and never came into force. Fr. remained unsatisfied.
Washington Naval Treaty, 1922
USA, Britain, France, Italy and Japan (5 powers,
therefore Five-Power Treaty) agreed to limit their navies. The USA, Britain and Japan agreed not to build any new battleships and cruisers for 10 years, and to keep certain ratio between their fleets. It was an attempt to prevent a naval arms race that began after World War I.
USA, UK, Japan ratio of naval armament agreed in the Washington Naval Treaty, 1922
USA, UK, Japan ratio of naval armament agreed in the London Naval Conference 1922. Japan came out of it slightly better than before.