Interwar (15.1,2,3) Flashcards
A long period of low economic activity and rising unemployment
Decline in economic activity
Collective bargaining
- The right of unions to negotiate with employers over wages and hours
- Set up by unions after great depression to give a 40 hour work week and minimum wage
Deficit spending
When a gov pays out more money than it takes in through taxation and other revenues, going into debt
Uncertainty principle
- The idea proposed by Werner Heisenberg in 1927 that the behavior of subatomic particles is uncertain, suggesting that all of the physical laws governing the universe are based on uncertainty
- impossible to know exactly where something is and how fast it’s going
What led to new problems in the years after WW1?
- US Isolationism began, and the government couldn’t agree to join the league of nations
- when Germany stopped payment, France occupied the minds to get raw materials, mineral wealth, and took control of factories to get their money
- France was too harsh with Germany and accidentally created a financial crisis
What triggered the great depression?
- series of downturns in a common enemies of individual nations in the 1920s
- an international financial crisis involving the US stock market
- when the US stock market boomed, the US pulled money out of Germany for stocks, and when it crashed, the US withdrew even more money and caused havoc
How were farmers hit hard on the on side of the Great Depression?
- the overproduction of their crops led to their farm product prices declining
- Left farmers with much less money than before
How did the Great Depression affect people’s confidence in democracy?
- democratic government raised tariffs on foreign goods which had serious political effects
- many people started to follow political leaders, offering simple solutions to their vast problems for dictatorial power
Totalitarian state
- government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens
- ruled by a dictator that doesn’t need anyone’s approval to make decisions
- for the good of the country not the individual
A political philosophy that glorify the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler
- A system in which private farms are eliminated and peasants work land owned by the government
- Under Stalin there was not enough food to go around in Russians were angry because of 40 million or more deaths
Benito Mussolini
- Set up for European fascist movement in Italy and created a political group called the league of combat
- Italian fascist dictator
- Unemployment and inflation led to strikes in Italy and middle and upper class strong leadership
- he was a powerful speaker and played on peoples fears
Josef Stalin
- Politburo member, party general secretary
- Gained complete control of communist party and turned Russia from agriculture to industrialization
- communist, dictator, supported Lenin
- when Trosky, another man in the party questioned him, he killed him
How did Mussolini create a dictatorial state in Italy?
- took advantage of unrest to create league of combat fascist party
- Grew by appealing to nationalism
- use the anger Italian Italians fell after they had not received much land after the war to his advantage
- made Prime Minister by King Victor Emmanuel the third when he threatened Rome
Why did many Italian people find fascism acceptable?
- not completely totalitarianism as Stalin and Hitler
- mass media spread propaganda all over Italy, which shape people into fascists
- Pope told Italians to support fascist regime
How did Lennon‘s new economic policy preserve and change Russia’s economic system?
- peasants were hoarding food before a famine from 1920 to 1922 and russia’s economic system was greatly failing after the war
- NEP stated that peasants were allowed to sell produce opening and retail stores could be privately owned
- this helped agricultural production to bloom
How did Stalin gain and maintain power in the USSR?
-Stalin’s wife was his secretary, and he used his position of general secretary in the party of Politburo to take control of the communist party and made a powerful dictatorship
- strengthened his control over party by eliminating any dissent (bolsheviks)
- launched five-year plans and shifted from agriculture to industrialism and used collectivization to challenge the peasants standing up to him
What was the goal of authoritarian government in the west?
- Not to create a new kind of society, but to preserve the existing social order; capitalism and democracy were used to mask “power”
- wanted to prevent social upheaval
- since parliamentary systems failed in many European states, people look to authoritarian governments to start the old systems back up again
Totalitarian state
- A government that has complete control over every aspect of society and the lives of its citizens
Shortened firm of German Nazional or National Socialist German Workers Party; A member of such party
Concentration camp
- A camp for prisoners of war, political, prisoners, or members of minority groups are confined typically under harsh conditions
- set up for those that oppose the Nazi party and also targeted Jews whom they blamed for all their economic woes
- A term used to identify people speaking, Indo-European languages; Nazis misuse the term treating it as a racial design designation and identifying the audience with ancient Greeks and Romans and 20th century Germans and Scandinavian
- Racial state that would dominate Europe and possibly the world generations to come
- Originally created as Hitler’s bodyguards
- Based on terror and ideology to keep control and would eventually control the secret police forces and regular ones (and security in concentration camps)
- Headed up by Heinrich Himmler, who wanted to use SS to further Aryan race