Interwar Flashcards
A system where peasants work on government owned land
New economy policy
Lenin’s modified version of capitalism that permitted some private ownership
Dawes Plan
Reduced German reparations
Nuremberg laws
Excludes Jews from German citizenship
Term missed by Nazis to describe their master race
New Deal
Policy of government intervention in the U.S. economy
Enabling Act
Empowered the Germany to pass laws without regard to the constitution
A strong government led by a dictator
Totalitarian state
Government that seeks complete control over people
A period of low economic activity and unemployment
Why was the United States not a member of the League of Nations?
The United States refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles
The purpose of Stalin’s Five-Year Plans was to
Transform the USSR from an agricultural into an industrial economy
The French New Deal gave workers the right to
Use collective bargaining
Why was Mussolini’s movement appealing to the Italian middle class?
They thought a strong central government would prevent socialism and communism
Mussolini’s Fascist government attempted to control its citizens through
Mass propaganda
In Germany, inflation and unemployment during the Great Depression paved the way for
Authoritarian leaders
Stalin’s Five-Year Plan was intended to transform the Soviet Union into
An industrial society
The Nazis encouraged radio listening because
A radio could be used for political purposes
Hurler’s political theories were based on
Racism and nationalism
Which of the following weakened the League of Nations?
That the United States did not join the League of Nations