Interview Questions Flashcards
What is React?
React is a Javascript framework/library. It lets you create UI’s from small isolated pieces of code called components, that can each have their own state.
What is Redux?
Redux is state management library that’s most commonly used with the React library.
How does Redux work?
Redux works by having a central store, that holds all of your applications state. Each component can have access to the state, without having to pass props up or down through components.
Redux setup process
Create a store that’ll hold your state and all your reducers, create reducers that’ll take in an action and change your state based on action, create actions that’ll pass payload and action to your reducers.
What are reducers in Redux?
Reducers in Redux are functions that take in two parameters: state/initial state, and an action. Based on what action is passed to the reducer, the reducer will then update the state and return a new state.
Why do you choose React?
In React you can create highly reusable components that can be used in different parts of a project.
Development time is quick, since there’s a lot less boilerplate setup needed.
What is AJAX?
Ajax is used to communicate with a server to send or receive data.
What is responsive design?
Responsive design is designing an application or website to be able to render correctly on different sized devices. So that it’ll look nice for the end user whether it be a phone or computer.
What is Restful API?
A Restful API is a web application that follows the REST principles of architecture.
What is the difference between REST API and RESTful API?
The Rest Api refers to the rule that can make an Api restfu. A RESTful API is an api that follows those rules that are part of the REST architecture.
What is the point of RESTful api?
The point of creating RESTful API’s is that it standardizes a set of rules that are used in many web services/applications to send and receive data and requests.
What is closure?
A closure is an inner function that has access to an outer functions scope.
What is a promise?
A promise is placeholder for a success value or failure reason, it is used in asynchronous methods that’ll return a value at some point in the future.
What is a callback?
A function that takes another function as a parameter, and uses that taken in function to complete some task.
What are the major features of React?
- React uses a virtual DOM that compares components previous states, and only updates the items whos state has changed, instead of rerendering/updating all of the components.
- React makes use of reusable components, that can be reused as many times throughout a project as needed.
- Unidirectional data flow- data flows in a downward pattern from parent to child.
What is jsx?
Jsx is an extension of React. It allows us to insert html into javascript, instead of the other way which is traditionally how it was done.