Interview Q's Flashcards
Tell me about a decision for which data and analysis weren’t sufficient to provide the right course and you had to rely on your judgment and instincts. Give me two to three examples. They don’t have to be big strategic decisions – could be big or small.
Are Right a Lot
- Mining example
- Price gouging
Tell me about a time you made a difficult decision and how you knew it was the right solution (probe on how they evaluated the options, if they received input, what data they reviewed, etc.)
Are Right a Lot
- Price Gouging
- Live Plants
- MAW audit package
Give me an example of when you have to make an important decision in the absence of good data because there just wasn’t any. What was the situation and how did you arrive at your decision? Did the decision turn out to be the correct one? Why or why not?
Are Right a Lot
- Price gouging
Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision and the learning from the experience enabled you to make a good decision later. What did you learn that you were able to apply?
Are Right a Lot
Tell me about a time when you have been faced with a challenge where the best way forward or strategy to adopt was not “clear cut” (i.e. there were a number of possible solutions). How did you decide the best way forward?
Are Right a Lot
- MAW audit package
Tell me about an error in judgment you made in the last year or two, what it was and the impact of it.
Are Right a Lot
Give me an example of a calculated risk that you have taken where speed was critical. What was the situation and how did you handle it? What steps did you take to mitigate the risk? What was the outcome?
Bias for Action
Describe a situation where you made an important business decision without consulting your manager. What was the situation and how did it turn out?
Bias for Action
- Live Plants
Tell me about a time when you had to analyze facts quickly, define key issues, and respond immediately to a situation. What was the outcome?
Bias for Action
- Price Gouging
- World Cup
Tell me about a time when you have worked against tight deadlines and didn’t have the time to consider all options before making a decision. How much time did you have? What approach did you take?
Bias for Action
- World Cup
Give an example of when you had to make an important decision and had to decide between moving forward or gathering more information. What did you do? What information is necessary for you to have before acting?
Bias for Action
- MAW audit package
Give me an example of a time you used customer feedback to drive improvement or innovation. What was the situation and what action did you take?
Customer Obsession
- Mining Example
- World Cup
Give me an example of your most difficult customer interaction and how you worked through it. What was the outcome?
Customer Obsession
- Mining Example
Tell me about a time a customer wanted one thing, but you felt they needed something else. How did you approach the situation, what were your actions and what was the end result?
Customer Obsession
- MAW Cyber
Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty for a customer. Why did you take the action you did? What was the outcome?
Customer Obsession
- Mining example
- MAW Cyber
Most of us at one time or another have felt frustrated or impatient when dealing with customers. Can you tell us about a time when you felt this way and how you dealt with it? When do you think it’s appropriate to push back or say no to an unreasonable customer request?
Customer Obsession
- Tchibo
Can you give me an example of when you’ve been able to see around the corner to meet a customer need or delight a customer with a solution or product they didn’t yet know they needed/wanted?
Customer Obsession
- World cup
- Mining example
To try to meet the high expectations of our customers, we sometimes promise more than we can deliver. Tell me about a time when you overcommitted yourself or your company. How did you resolve the issue?
Customer Obsession
- World Cup
Tell me about a time when you had to balance the needs of the customer vs. the needs of the business. How did you manage this situation?
Customer Obsession
- Tchibo
Tell me about a time you were driving toward a goal and were more than half way to the objective when you realized it may not be the best or right goal or may have unintended consequences. What was the situation and what did you do? [testing for achieving the right result versus driving goal for sake of goal achievement. May want follow up questions regarding to determine if the person was willing to take hit on goal attainment to achieve the right result and test long term versus short term thinking.]
Deliver Results
- Tchibo
Tell me about a goal that you set that took a long time to achieve or that you are still working towards. How do you keep focused on the goal given the other priorities you have?
Deliver Results
Tell me about a time where you not only met a goal but considerably exceeded expectations. How were you able to do it? What challenges did you have to overcome?
Deliver Results
- Mining example
Give me an example of a time when you were able to deliver an important project under a tight deadline. What sacrifices did you have to make to meet the deadline? How did they impact the final deliverables?
Deliver Results
Tell me about a time you had significant, unanticipated obstacles to overcome in achieving a key goal. Were you eventually successful?
Deliver Results
- Live Plants
- Sports categorization cleanup
Tell me about a time you were trying to understand a problem on your team and you had to go down several layers to figure it out. Who did you talk with and what information proved most valuable? How did you use that information to help solve the problem?
Dive Deep
- Cologne attacks
Tell me about a problem you had to solve that required in-depth thought and analysis? How did you know you were focusing on the right things?
Dive Deep
- Cologne attacks
Tell me about a time when you linked two or more problems together and identified an underlying issue? Were you able to find a solution?
Dive Deep
- Cologne attacks
Walk me through a big problem or issue in your organization that you helped to solve. How did you become aware of it? What information did you gather, what information was missing and how did you fill the gaps? Did you do a post mortem analysis and if you did what did you learn?
Dive Deep
- Sports Categorization
Can you tell me about a specific metric you have used to identify a need for a change in your department? Did you create the metric or was it already available? How did this and other information influence the change?
Dive Deep
- Sports categorization
Give me a situation in which it took you asking why five times to get to the root cause.
Dive Deep
- Cologne attacks
Describe a time when you significantly contributed to improving morale and productivity on your team. What were the underlying problems and their causes? How did you prevent them from negatively impacting the team in the future?
Earn Trust
- SMB - Low morale for team
What three things you are you working on to improve your overall effectiveness?
Earn Trust
- Guard my time preciously and be very clear on prioritization. Example: Dealing with SeSu and Retail requests.
- Influencing - Learning from the training and learning by doing.
- Asking a lot of questions at the beginning - e.g. Price gouging
Give an example of a tough or critical piece of feedback you received. What was it and what did you do about it?
Earn Trust
Give me an example of an idea you had that was strongly opposed. Why was there so much resistance? How did you handle the negative feedback?
Earn Trust
- Live Plants
- Tchibo
Give me an example of a significant professional failure. What led you to making the wrong decision? What did you learn from this situation?
Earn Trust
- MAW NY - CEO listening in
Give an example of a time where you were not able to meet a commitment to a team member. What was the commitment and what prevented you from meeting it? What was the outcome and what did you learn from it?
Earn Trust
- Live Plants