Interview Q Flashcards
Introduce Yourself
- My Name is Ahmed Farag
- I am a 4th year Medical Student in MU with strong passion for travelling & Improving my medical skills
- I speak english & arabic, and I know basics of spanish & french, Hopefully i can build on that if i match in any of these countries
Why Did You Apply for the Exchange Program?
- I applied because I want to explore myself & the world, I also want to improve my medical skills & See new people & Cultures, Which aligns with the goals of theis program
Why do you want to Travel?
- I want to see new places & Countries, Meet new people & Explore new cultures
- I also want to engage in different healthcare systems & broaden my medical view
Why do you want to travel to
- Spain
- France
- Finland
- Korea
- Poland
- Due to their Great Healthcare system, Vibrant culture & Rich History
- Spain is Known for
- Poland in known for
- France is known for
- Korea is known for
- Finland is known for
Have You Ever Travelled Alone?
- In Egypt yes, i travelled many times alone
- But Regarding travelling abroad, Only the airplane part, as i was accompanied for the rest of the trip
What is MSSA? What is it short For? What is it a part of?
- Mansoura scintific studens association
- it is part of IFMSA-Egypt, which is a part of IFMSA
- IFMSA = International Federation of medical student Association
Branches of MSSA & Their Concerns
- SCOPE: Interested in professional exchange programs And getting hands-on experience
- SCORE: concerned with providing research - opportunities
- SCOME: concerned with medical education like showman summer training
- SCORA: Concerned with sexual and reproductive health
- SCORP: Concerned with human rights, refugees, and equality
- SCOPH: Concerned with public health issues like non-communicable diseases, vaccination, disaster management
What would you do if you lost your passport?
- First of all, I would make sure I don’t get in this position in the first place by paying attention & avoiding dangerous places and keeping it in a safe place
- I would also keep soft & hard copies of all my documents
- Stay calm & search my belongings & retrace the palces I have been to
- I would Report the loss to the nearst police station & my countries embassy to avoid any misuse
What would you do if you lost your phone & Wallet?
- First of all, I would make sure I don’t get in this position in the first place by paying attention & Avoiding dangerous places and keeping it in a safe place
- I would also keep a backup Credit card for times like this
- Stay calm & search my belongings & retrace the palces I have been to
- I would Report the loss to the nearst police station
- I would tell the contact person
What would you do if you are living with a homosexual?
- I would respect their beliefs and treat him like I treat anybody, i would also like to estabish mutual respect & a comfortable environment & mind my own business.
- However, I would stay true to my beliefs
- I would Respectfully set boundaries if needed
What would you do if the place is incooperative?
- I would be patient & try to find a solution by finding middleground
- I would remain calm & Professional
- Ask for help from the CP
What would you do if a girl hugs you?
- I would try to avoid these situations in 1st place by introducing myself & sharing my background & Beliefs
- I would politely Step back & Explain myself
- I would also apologize if I caused any misunderstanding or offence
What would you if they get offended?
- I would be understanding, apologize for any unintentional harm
- I would Explain myself & resassure & re-establish a good relatioship
What would you do if someone offers you alcohol?
- I would Refuse politely without judgement & Explain myself
- I would offer an alternative
What would you do if you face islamophobic Behaviours?
- I would saty calm & professional
- Try to respond in a reasonable way
- I would Politely Set boundaries
- Seek support from CP
- Try to lead by example
- Try to avoid places famous for islamophobic comments
What would you tell about egypt?
Rich History: Egypt is known for its rich history with many different civilasations like ancient egypt, greek, romanian , islamic & coptic
Various Monuments: Like Pyramids, Sphinx, Temples, Saint Cathrine Cathedral. Mousa mountain, the hanging church, Salahaldin citadel, Bebloteque of alexandrea
Great Nature: Mountains in sinai, beaches on nboth the white & red sea, Desserts of different colors & natures
People: People are warm & Welcoming & are always welling to help
Cuisine: rich by different egyptian plates like molokhia, Kosahry & falafel
What are famous monuments in egypt?
Various Monuments: Like Pyramids, Sphinx, Temples, Saint Cathrine Cathedral. Mousa mountain, the hanging church, Salahaldin citadel, Bebloteque of alexandrea
What would you tell about egyptian culture?
Talk about:
- What shapes egyption culture?
- People
- Cuisine
- festiveals
- Cinema & Music
- Sports
How would you describe egyptian people?
People: People are warm & Welcoming & are always welling to help
Is this the first time applying for exchange?
No, I applied twice before
- The first time I realised i am to young to take the exam
- and the second time i didn’t get the place I wanted