Interview 2 Flashcards
B1 Self-aware
Summary: RAS
* Is self-reflective and accepts constructive feedback.
* Aware of own emotions and seeks to manage these.
* Will ask for support or advice if they need it.
B2 Selfless
* Is aware and accepting of the diverse beliefs, culture and traditions of others.
* Acts with kindness, recognising and supporting the health, safety and wellbeing of others,
whilst recognising their own needs.
* Gives others the opportunity to express themselves without interrupting/judging.
B3 Empathy
B3 Empathy
Recognises the emotions of others and shows understanding for these.
Summary: TOE
* Consistent and reliable, prioritising building trust with others.
* Open-minded, unbiased and honest in their approach.
* Is willing to discuss their own and other’s emotions.
B4 Inclusive
B4 Inclusive
Includes others and welcomes everyone.
Summary: SAR
* Ensures that an appropriate standard of privacy and dignity is maintained and takes
constructive action in response to inappropriate behaviour.
* Recognises and respects other people’s skills, strengths, views, ideas and suggestions.
* Is approachable and communicates in a clear, sensitive and concise manner.
B5 Teamwork
Summary: LIC
* Works collaboratively with people by co-operating and consulting to achieve joint outcomes.
* Actively listens and promotes respectful two-way dialogue.
* Is interested in other people’s motivations and perspectives.
B6 Empowers and coaches others
Summary: LIP
* Prioritises a learning culture through empowerment, encouragement, praise and recognition.
* Recognises gaps in skills and knowledge and deals with mistakes and performance
issues constructively.
* Proactively contributes to others development through regular constructive feedback,
one-to-one discussions, training, coaching and mentoring.
B7 Takes ownership and responsibility
Summary: MP5
* Takes a proactive approach, planning ahead, prioritising and managing time to deliver
individual team objectives.
* Shows accountability over mistakes and delays.
* Seeks clear direction and information, checking things are working.
B8 Professional
Summary: MES
* Maintains health and safety in the workplace and acts to mitigate risks in their work.
* Makes evidence-based decisions to improve service delivery.
* Performs their role to a high standard at all times, keeping up-to-date with relevant professional
skills, knowledge and behaviours.
B9 Forward-looking
Summary: FIN
* Positively engages with new ways of working and implementing learning.
* Takes the initiative to resolve problems.
* Is flexible, adapting to changing needs and demands.
Commitment to exellence?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Your life and career so far?
When have you shown open mindedness