Interview Flashcards
What’s your STIG score?
It’s difficult to say usually just says pass/fail
Ideal score: 0 Cat 1, few Cat 2, few Cat 3
Critical (CAT I) issues must be fixed immediately to maintain security compliance.
Medium (CAT II) and Low (CAT III) issues should be minimized to enhance system security.
What tools would you use for monitoring?
$ htop = CPU, memory, swap usage, running processes
$ vmstat 1 = detailed info about sys performance including virtual memory, processes, CPU activity & disk I/O (updated every second)
$ free -h = display memory usage (RAM & swap: total, used, free, shared, cached)
$ df -h = disk space usage for mounted filesystems
$ du -sh [file/dir] = disk usage of [file/dir]
$ “netstat / ss” -tuln = active network connections, listening ports, network stats
How do you manage disk storage and clean up disk space?
$ df -h = show free disk space on all mounted filesystems
$ du -sh [file/dir] = shows disk usage of [file/dir]
$ yum clean all = cleans package manager cache
$ yum clean packages = removes package cache
$ logrotate = Rotate (& compress) old logs (located in /etc/logrotate.conf)
$ rm /tmp/* = Delete temp files
need yum-utils:
$ package-cleanup –leaves = removes orphaned packages
What is a LAMP environment?
a popular open-source software stack used for hosting web applications utilizing Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP/Python.
Tell me about a time when something broke & you had to fix it
personalized answer
What would you do if a server went down?
personalized answer
What are some things you would check if your application went down?
personalized answer
Someone is complaining of a server with full disk space, & when running a df -h says nothing is full. What would you do?
personalized answer
What is your experience with GitLab & BitBucket? (enterprise versions of GitHub)
We use it for version control for CI/CD
(version control: a system that helps manage changes to files, code or documents over time. Also allows you to go back to a previous version of a file, see history of changes or collaborate with others w/o overwriting each others work)