Interventions Flashcards
Aerobic Exercise: Signs and Symptoms for stopping
Contraindications: Unstable angina, SBP >200, DBP >110
Aerobic Exercise: Supine, Seated, Standing, Walking HEP
For video: select one position to video, include s/sx for stopping
supine: neck roll, shoulder shrug, biceps curl, front arm raise, lateral arm raise, ankle pumps , knee bends, hip abductors
sitting: elbow flexion, front arm raise, lateral arm raise, neck circles, shoulder rolls, ankle pumps, LAQs, seated marching
standing: knee bends, heel raises, side bending, rotate at trunk
Accessory Muscle Breathing: Facilitate & Inhibit
Facilitate when restricted
Inhibit to encourage diaphragm use
Active Cycle Breathing
To improve breathing control and secretion removal
Breathing Control Positioning
Regain control of breathing
Chest Wall Expansion: Deep Breathing with UE movement in supine, sitting, with butterfly technique
Incentive Spirometer
Lateral Costal Stretch: Facilitation
Trunk Rotation Stretch
Towel Roll Stretch: Horizontal & Vertical
Encourage lung and chest wall expansion, increase lung volume
Cough Assisted: Butterfly technique, Forced Expiratory, Lateral Costal, Long Sit with and without trunk control, unilateral arm
Improve secretion removalImprove secretion removal
splinted cough
hold pillow
huff the air out
Deep Breathing: butterfly technique, UE movement in sitting/supine
open to breath in close to breath out
Diaphragmatic Breathing: Facilitate
Encourage diaphragm and accessory muscles
Paced Breathing
Regain control of breathing with SOB
Pursed Lip Breathing
Regain control of breathing, increase gas exchange time
Postural Drainage, Percussion, & Vibration
UL: apical, anterior, posterior,
ML and Lingula
LL: superior, anterior basal, posterior basal, lateral basal
Facilitate secretion removal