Intervention Tools Flashcards
What is market modification?
The government will intervene to prevent market failure and improve economic efficiency
What is legislation?
Imposing a set of government rules and laws on a market, people, business
What is taxation?
Imposing taxes on a market eg. smoking
Decreases supply then increases price
Ensuring fair competition:
Prohibits certain actions that might restrict competition, like tying agreements, predatory pricing, and mergers that could lessen competition.
Competition policy:
Applying rules to make sure businesses and companies compete fairly with each other.
Privatization describes how a piece of property or business goes from being owned by the government to privately owned. It generally helps governments save money and increase efficiency, where private companies can move goods quicker and more efficiently.
Interstate cooperation:
The interaction of States within the framework of coordinating their policies in accordance with the goal that unites them.
Price surveillance:
Certain price and supply restrictions are imposed on a ‘declared’ body’s supply of the specified goods or services.
Consumer protection:
The ACL protects small businesses and consumers from unfair terms in standard form contracts.
Competitive conduct rules:
The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 bans business behaviours that damage competition. It is illegal for businesses to collude in a cartel or to impose minimum resale prices.
Dealing with externalities:
Taxes, subsidies
Supervising and regulating labour markets:
Supervising and regulating financial markets:
Supervising and regulating overseas markets:
What is direct taxes?
Direct to the people
Eg. income tax
What is indirect taxes?
Passed on by other people, businsesses
Eg. GST Tax
What are price ceilings?
Prevents people from rising above a certain level. The price cannot go above the equilibrium. Demand will exceed supply.
Eg. Rental prices
What are price floors?
Lowest level of price a commodity can be sold for. The price cannot go below a certain point, and is above the equilibrium.
Eg. Agriculture, minimum wage
What is pigouvian tax and subsidy
Tax or subsidy on a market with negative or positive externalities
Why do Governments intervene?
Market intervention is needed because of market inefficiencies and failures. With the purpose of increasing welfare or pursuing certain economic and social goals, a government designs and enforces regulations, legislation or taxes that aim to obtain results that could not be obtained under a market that is entirely free. The Government intervenes to improve economic growth, correct market failure and improve distribution of income and growth.