Interval Tests Flashcards
“Survival Test” - Event to Occurence/Time to Event
Kaplain-Meier test
“Regression” - Outcome Prediction/Assocation (OR)
Linear Regression
> /= 3 Groups of Independent Data
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variation) against a SINGLE DV (dependent variable)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (1 dependent variable)
> /=3 Groups of Independent Data
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variation) against MULTIPLE DV’s (dependent variables)
Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) (>/= 2 DVs)
2 Groups of Independent Data
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against a SINGLE DV (dependent variable)
Student t-test
Correlation Test
Pearson Correlation
> /= 3 Groups of Independent Data w/ Confounders
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against a SINGLE DV while ALSO controlling for the co-variance of confounders
Analysis of Co- Variance
> /= 3 Groups of Independent Data w/ Confounders
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter group variations) against MULTIPLE
DVs while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
Multiple Analysis of Co-Variance
2 Groups of Paired/Related Data
Compares the mean values between groups that are related
Paired t-test
> /= 3 Groups of Paired/Related Data
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter- group variation of related data against a SINGLE DV (dependent variable)
Repeated Measures ANOVA
> /= 3 Groups of Paired/Related Data
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) of related data against MULTIPLE DVs (dependent variables)
Repeated Measures MANOVA
> /= 3 Groups of Paired/Related Data w/ Confounders
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against a SINGLE DV (dependent variable) while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
Repeated Measures of ANCOVA
> /= 3 Groups of Paired/Related Data w/ Confounders
Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against MULTIPLE DVs (dependent variables) while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
Repeated Measures MANCOVA
Post hoc tests for interval data
Student-Newman- Keul
Dunnett test
Dunn test
Same as ordinal data
Post-hoc Test for 3 or more Group Comparisons
Compares all pairwise comparisons possible
All groups equal in size
MORE conservative than Student-Neuman-Keul test
Tukey test
Post-hoc test for 3 or more Group Comparisons
Compares all pairwise comparisons possible
All groups must be equal in size
Less affected by violations in normality and homogeneity of variances - MOST CONSERVATIVE
Scheffe test
Adjusts the p value for number of comparisons being made
Very conservative
Bonferroni correction