Interstitial Lung Disease Flashcards
Define ILD
An umbrella term describing a number of conditions that affect the lung parenchyma in a diffuse manner
Give some examples of ILD
Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP)
Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia (NSIP)
Cryptogenic organising pneumonia
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (Farmers lung, Bird fanciers lung)
Rheumatoid lung
What patterns are shown on Pulmonary function tests in patients with ILD?
What investigations should be done in a patient with a new diagnosis of ILD?
ANA ENA RhF ANCA Anti-GBM ACE (Sarcoidosis) IgG HIV Ca (Sarcoidosis) LFTs (Sarcoidosis) Eosinophils
What are the classic findings of Usual Interstitial Pneumonia?
Reduced chest expansion
Fine inspiratory crackles heard in the basal areas
May have pulmonary HTN
What is Extrinsic Alllergic Alveolitis?
Inhalation of an organic antigen to which the patient has been sensitised
What is the presentation of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis?
Acute - Short period of exposure (hours), reversible and spontaneously settles within a few days
Chronic - Exposure for months-years. Harder to reverse, damage done
What investigations would you do in a patient with suspected Sarcoidosis?
PFT CXR Bloods - Renal function, ACE, Ca Urinary Ca ECG 24hr tape ECHO Cardiac MRI CT/MRI head - If headaches may have neur sarcoidosis
What would you see on CT in someone with ILD?
Honeycombing due to the fibrosis
Beading within the fissures would occur if the patient had Sarcoidosis
What are the treatment principles for ILD?
Remove exposure to cause Stop smoking Oxygen MDT meeting Palliative care ABx if needed Transplantation *Can try steroids*
What are the different causes of extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
Bird fancier’s lung - chronic
Farmers lung - micropolyspora faeni - acute
Malt workers lung - aspergillus
What is the acute presentation of extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
4-6hrs post exposure develops fever, rigors, myalgia, dry cough, dyspnoea, crackles
What is the chronic presentation of extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
Increasing dyspnoea, weight loss, exertional dyspnoea, cor pulmonale, type I resp failure
What is the management of acute extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
Remove antigen
Give O2
40mg/24hr PO Prednisolone - wean off
What is the management of chronic extrinsic allergic alveolitis?
Avoid exposure to allergens or wear a facemask/+ive pressure helmet
Long term steroids
Compensation may be applicable
What are some of the causes of fibrotic shadowing in the upper zone on CXR?
TB EAA Ankylosing spondylitis Radiotherapy Sarcoidosis
What are some of the causes of fibrotic shadowing in the mid zone on CXR?
Progressive massive fibrosis
What are some of the causes of fibrotic shadowing in the lower zone on CXR?
Usual interstitial pneumonia
What are some of the causes of bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy?
Infection (TB, mycoplasma)
Malignancy - carcinoma, lymphoma
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
What are some of the symptoms of usual interstitial pneumonia?
Dry cough Exertional dyspnoea Malaise Weight loss Arthralgia
What are some of the signs of usual interstitial pneumonia?
Finger clubbing
Fine end inspiratory crepetations
What is the management of usual interstitial pneumonia?
Supportive therapy; O2 Pulmonary rehabilitation Opiates Palliative care input Lung transplant may need to be considered NOT high dose steroids
What investigations can be done for a patient with suspected usual interstitial pneumonia?
ABD + bloods - CRP raised, Ig raised CXR - reduced lung volume HRCT shows honeycombing Restrictive pattern on spirometry Lung biopsy may be needed for diagnosis