Intersectionality Flashcards
Who talks about Social constructionism?
Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann
what is social constructionism?
says that social order is created through externalization, objectivation, and internalization
what is important in this process?
we experience the world around us, we name it, and we internalize it
what is the social construction of symbols?
The world is constructed of symbols, a chair is a symbol and through socialization we know to sit on a chair. money is the same
What does social constructionism do?
explains how reality is: conceptualized, defined, described, labeled, historicized, situated and configured
how is reality conceptualized?
The way we interpret the world is through the different socialization processes that we internalize
The world is decided for us
how is reality historicized?
The meanings we have are situated
A piece of paper now that is money, 200 years ago wouldn’t be seen as Canadian currency
how does social constructionism relate to intersectionality?
It acknowledges how the world we live in is constructed not concrete
Acknowledges that the way people are treated is arbitrary
What is crenshaw influenced by?
Crenshaw’s ideas of intersectionality were developed not as a social scientist but through a specific legal framework
what is critical race theory?
Influenced by CLT, began among legal scholars, mainly of color, in the 1980s in the United States, Critiques the notion that “the law” is neutral and color-blind.
what does crenshaws critique of antidiscrimination doctrine argue
When you have focus on race OR gender, who does it leave out, and focus on? This is the dilemma of antidiscrimination doctrine. question of
What happens when various movements are built on the backs of black women
what does it mean to be multiply burdened?
2 different entities create 1 entity
what does she say about rape?
in mapping the margins, she explains how Looking at rape from the perspective of female sexuality that women are pristine, ignores that black women were seen as jezebel and seductresses
Its not whole to say that black men are usurping white men’s power
what are the multiple forms of oppression?
you can be priveleged and marginalized
what are the three categories of analysis of intersectinality?
structural, political, representational
what is structural intersectionality?
Social, economic, language, and cultural, barriers can limit women’s options and avenues of information-gathering, macro level. ex. rape services in rich areas instead of poor
what is political intersectionality?
“people of color” versus “women”, sexism as root of all evil. ex. domestic violence centres run by white women, speaking of rape as black men usurping white men’s power, it remains androcentric diologue
representational intersectionality?
concerned with the ways in which gender and race are analyzed in popular culture. ex. hollla back