interrogatives Flashcards
Used when
- Following word is a noun
ie ¿Qué libro estás leyendo?
(What book are you reading?)
or When following word is verb of ‘ser’ or ‘to be’
If you want a specific answer to the question
¿Cuál es tu dirección actual?” or “What is your current address?“.
Or Cual es tu nombre ect
“¿Qué haces esta noche?”
“What are you doing tonight?”.
“¿Qué significa esto?”
“What does this mean?”.
“¿Qué quieres comer?”
“What would you like to eat?”
¿Cuál es tu numero de casa?
What is your house number?
¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
What is your favourite food?
Who (singular subjects)
Who (Plural subjects)
¿Quién es la fotógrafa?
Who is the photographer?
¿Quiénes son los invitados?
Who are the invited people?
¿Cuándo viene Mara?
“When is Mara coming?
“¿Cuándo vamos a salir a tomar algo?”
“When will we go out to drink something?”
Which ones?
Always remember to match the endings of the word ‘Cuál’ with the singular or plural forms of the nouns.
¿Cuáles zapatos te gustan?” or “Which pair of shoes do you like?”.
¿Cuál color te gusta mas el azul o el amarillo?
Which colour do you like the most blue or yellow?
How much?
How many?
¿Cuánto cuesta el jugo de naranja?
“How much (cost) is the orange juice?”.
“¿Cuántos cucharos de azúcar quieres en tu té?”
How many spoons of sugar would you like in your cup of tea?”.
“¿Cómo te llamas?”
What is your name?
¿Dónde está la bicicleta?”
Where is the bike?”
¿Por qué?
¿Por qué le pegaste?
“Why did you hit him/her?”
“¿Para qué lo hiciste?”
What did you do it for? Or Why did you do it?”.
Para Que sometimes more towards cause, rather than just why.