Interpretivism Flashcards
What are the points of interpretivism?
- Meaning and experience
- Rapport
- Qualitative data
- Subjectivity
- Researcher imposition
- Reflexivity
What is meaning and experiences ?
Important aspects of people’s lives
What is rapport ?
Trusting , relaxing and open relationships
Why is Rapport good ?
More valid (true picture ) , honest , detailed info
Why is rapport valid ?
Safe environment for participants to open up so confident to open up with real and true insight of their lives
What is Versthen ?
Empathetic understanding = validity , putting yourself in their shoes
What is QuaLitative data ?
- Form of words rather than numbers
- researchers speak for themselves
What is subjectivity?
Personal opinion, experience and bias
What is researcher imposition ?
Researcher may influence and shape the study without being aware of it
How does researcher imposition impose value on research?
Choice of topics , method , methodology, and operationslisation of concepts have the potential to impose value on research